rcontr7 Member


  • I totally get what you mean about realizing you can do it and maintain it. I have found after falling off the wagon for two months and maintaining more or less (mostly without trying) that the fear of gaining it all back has lessened. Amazing things can come from things that seem like a disappointment at first! Now I'm…
  • DAAAAAANG. No one could ever guess your age. This is incredible!
  • That's how it starts!! As those above stated - careful, cause running and fitness are addicting!
  • Isn't it so fun?! I never understood the obsession with clothes until I lost weight - now I do!
  • Also - use 2% Greek yogurt. It's better if you ask me anyway - you get more protein.
  • If you're not logging exercise to keep you out of the 800 cal/day zone you're doing it wrong. You're still in that zone regardless of what you log. Eat calorie and nutrient dense foods - add some almond butter or almonds. Eat whole fat dairy like the ricotta because your body does need some fat - avocado is a good one that…
  • I lost weight while on the depo. I didn't have any side effects at all. I'm not on it now because I don't want the hormones and have an IUD but it didn't change weight loss for me.
    in depo shot Comment by rcontr7 June 2015
  • Also, if it hurts don't run on it!! You can get a stress fracture and you will be in serious trouble. Cross train more instead of running super often. I love to run but our bodies have to take time to get used to it. Also, losing more weight helped a lot, but then it seems to help everything a lot.
  • I had issues when I was going too fast or too far. You have to increase very very gradually. If I do a long run, I have to take at least two days off or I will start to get shin splints. I only increase my runs by 10% per week.
  • Iced coffee with two pumps sugar free mocha! I try to stay away from artificial sweeteners but this is my treat! Yummy and for close to nothing, calorie wise. No milk!
  • Trader Joes cauliflower rice!! It's incredible and saves so many calories on some meals that are comfort foods!! Super thrilled with this one!!
  • Trader Joes has cauliflower rice that is almost identical in texture and flavor to rice!! It's amazing!! I am so thrilled about it I saw your post and had to mention it! Haha
    in Rice!! Comment by rcontr7 June 2015
  • My belly button is so shallow now! Weird observation but my belly fat is going down down down!
  • Before and During!! Still another 20 to go! 39 pounds down at 5'3 - from 190 to 155 (in blue dress) - now sitting at 151.
  • Haha not size 120 - size 12!
  • Here are the photos: (beginning weight 190 - size 120 (35 lbs down - 155) (185 v. 155) I'm now around 151.
  • I'm 5'2 1/2 or 5'3 and I've lost nearly 40 lbs. weighed in this morning at around 151 and started 190. I have photos on a thread around here somewhere that ill try and link to once I get to a computer. I stuck to MFP and exercise from Sept 2014 to early Dec 2014 and lost around 30 and then started again mid April and have…
  • Dang!!! How tall are you?? Love these photos! Good job!!
  • A few things: 1. I am in my smallest of small pants!! I wore these pants a couple years ago when I was restricting far too much (before gaining close to 40 lbs in college) and they were uncomfortable but they're LOOSE. AND I'M 5 POUNDS HEAVIER THAN I WAS THEN!! Lifting for the past year and half has tightened me up! 2. My…
  • Slow slow slow - as everyone else said - try forcing yourself to a 12 or 13 minute mile. A slow slow jog will help you maintain your breathing.
  • I love zucchini lasagna made with cottage cheese and I also love veggie tacos - vegetables roasted in a little olive oil and salt on corn tortilla (add salsa, greek yogurt in place of sour cream and some avocado - yummy). These are two staple meals for me.
  • Looking good!! I would have guessed that this was more than a 19 lb difference!! Good work!!
  • Thank you!! Hearing you all say you're motivated by seeing these pictures is way more motivating for me than I thought it would be! I love myfitnesspal!!
  • These were my shorts that fit at my smallest years ago and they were the only thing I really held onto. I knew that I wanted to get back to where I could fit into them!! Now (currently at 153) they're getting loose!
  • WHAT IS THIS!? This is incredible!! That first set of photos kills me! You are amazing!! Good job!! :)
  • This is bad advice. Why waste your life doing anything you absolutely hate? Just because you enjoy it doesn't mean it's not hard. You can't use the advice of doing something you enjoy as an excuse to do something easy but that doesn't mean be miserable. I love running and spinning, both of which are high intensity cardio.…
  • Good work! You're gorgeous and now healthy too!
  • I have pretty bad allergy and exercise induced asthma and find that using mucinex on days when I'm experiencing post nasal drip from allergies, taking allergy medication and using my albuterol inhaler around 10-15 min before exercising helps so much. If I use it right before, I get asthma. I can't use it while exercising…