

  • I liked reading the comments posted after the article. Especially the weird dreams about food. Really made me laugh!
  • Thanks that's a great link. I'm hoping it's just a phase!!
  • Hi Nicole. I'm new to the group too. I started Paleo 10 days ago and am really enjoying it. Once you get your head round it, it's pretty straight forward. I really thought I'd find giving up grains and sugar hard but in fact found that very soon my cravings for sweet things stopped. Previously I'd eat a big dinner in the…
  • We had baked fish on top of green Thai curry with vegetables and cauliflower rice. It was gorgeous! Husband made it and I think it was a good effort for only 1 week Paleo!! We're both loving that we are eating more healthily and making dishes we wouldn't normally make.
  • My husband and I started paleo on Monday too! I'm loving it maybe a little more than my husband!! Loving the no cravings after dinner part. Good luck :smile: