

  • Compared to cheezits, pizza, ice cream and cheeseburgers? Really?
  • Here's a few clean food examples. Dump 3 - 4 tbsp. of almond butter and 2 tbsp. of unrefined coconut oil into your protein shake. You can easily push the shake over 800 - 900 calories. I like to make food in a wok and add 4 tbsp. of olive oil and 3 tbsp. of coconut oil. 4000 calories is doable with a shake and 3 squares.
  • Mervynd, the key to gaining mass is increased volume. As mentioned, more calories are important, but adjust your training to increase the volume. I would add more sets. 5 x 5 is a great strength builder. Try to back off to a moderate weight and do 8 x 5 or 10 x 4 or something like that. Start to calculate your total…
  • Well said, Doc Banana. When my wife was at WW, she saw the same thing multiple times. A group of friends would join and one would be serious and start doing well. The other friends started sabotaging the successful person's efforts. She had to make a choice to keep her friends and give up her success, or to find people who…
  • Keep in mind it is harder to gain weight using machine training compared to free weights, particularly full body exercises like squats, deadlifts, benches, presses, good mornings, rows, etc. Not impossible, but harder. Pick one of the tried and true methods like 5 x 5 or a high volume program. High volume means a lot of…
  • you need to be planful about your snacking. I travel for business and you need to plan out healthy snacks so you don't get caught without good choices. when you have no good choices, that is when you graze and screw up. I keep mine in my computer bag. When everyone runs out for the donuts or whatever, or you are in the…
  • the best tasting vegan protein I have found is Plant Fusion. I mix the Chocolate Raspberry with either almond or soy milk. It is very easy to digest and two scoops has 40 gm of protein. Shakes are an important part of gaining weight for me. If you do dairy or eggs, ( I had to add low fat dairy back into my diet), pizza is…
  • Since you are a beginner, you will want to spend some time getting into condition for lifting. As many of the posters mentioned, there are good programs out there that can help you. I recommend that you start out with basic bodyweight exercises that hit your big muscle groups. Things like step-ups, bodyweight squats,…