Struggling to gain mass



  • dalecharles99
    Mervynd, the key to gaining mass is increased volume. As mentioned, more calories are important, but adjust your training to increase the volume. I would add more sets. 5 x 5 is a great strength builder. Try to back off to a moderate weight and do 8 x 5 or 10 x 4 or something like that. Start to calculate your total poundage. Your intensity (% of 1 RM) will go down, but the total weight moved (volume) should go up.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    edited January 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Mervynd123 wrote: »
    Hey guys,
    I've been trying to gain mass for some time now. Im doing that whole low reps heavy weight approach. But with that all I've really noticed are more strength gains than anything else. My diet consist of mainly pastas, chicken, and rice. But I'm in the Marines, so 8 hours of sleep isn't very normal. Any advice?
    Thanks, I'm new to this.

    Eat more, and mostly fat. You aren't going to gain mass unless you are eating at surplus

    Mostly fat? Why?

    Cuz carbs are the debil. Who wants insulin when trying to gain mass?

    Wait, wut?

    LOL! What good is Insulin anyway...?

    OP: You're not eating enough man. You're a Marine so you're incredibly active in-addition to strength-training you need to eat like a mad-man. If you get cerebral about your training, work-up to 44kcal's per kg of body-weight. If you weigh 100kg's for example, that's 4,400kcals you need to consume. I ran across this in a pair of research articles during a nutrition class last summer, pretty interesting. You probably don't want to jump from what you're doing now straight to 44kcals / kg, but work-up to it for sure.