

  • I just left this in another post but I think it's probably even more appropriate here. "Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, or an hour, a day or even a year. But eventually it will subside. And something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it will last forever" -Eric Thomas This alone, helped me to stop…
  • Don't let any lack of exercise hold you back. The real secret to this is your diet. Make that your priority. Fit exercise in whenever you can but just make sure you stay on top of your diet. Honestly the longer you do it, the easier it gets. You just fall into a routine and seeing weight drop off the scale every week just…
  • Yeah idk. My older sister has about the same amount of weight to lose as I do. Kinda wish she would hurry up and do it. I need a guinea pig lol same genetics, same situation. I've decided I no longer care to be honest. I'm going to just keep on truckin. If I need to save some pennies for cosmetic, then that's what I'll do.…
  • Thanks guys. Yeah I'm young too (23) and I feel confident about things from that angle. I've also upped my water intake a lot. Quit smoking as well which I know is detrimental in that department too. The thing that keeps bringing me back are the stretch marks I guess. I gained ~40 pounds over the course of 1 summer when I…
  • Admitting your mistakes is the first step people. If you can't even bring yourself to honestly log what you're eating, this whole weight loss thing isn't for you....