

  • I just did that one yesterday and I loved it as well!!
  • That is very cool! Welcome!
  • I can't wait until I can get PiYo!!! I hope to be able to order that next week. It's not that I am getting bored with Combat but my schedule has been fubarred this past week so I have been adding a few extra rest days for Combat but outside of that, I have been walking for at least 30 minutes everyday:).
  • Feel better soon and thank you! Combat is back on this week and I got a nudge from my wifey that I am doing well with it:). That always helps.
  • Take it easy, guys. Sick is sick just stick to your diary and add exercise in when you can. :smile:
  • yay!!! That is really inspiring! I have been on the lul this week with Combat. I have been so tired and fighting the horific cold that my family has (I am winning, BTW...) but that has caused me to only do Combat once this week for 30 minutes. Tonight, I am committed to do 45 minutes and this weekend will be 60. I hope to…
  • She sounds like she was an awesome companion! Keep remembering the good days with her.
  • So sorry you had to put your dog down. What was their name? What kind of dog?
  • I did the Combat 60 live version yesterday and that is fun times! It's better for me to do the longer Combat on the weekends and leave the 30-45minutes ones for the weekday but I really like the 60minute versions! Kiah!
  • Nice to have you, Stephanie!!!
  • Thanks, Dkido!!! That is my goal as well. :)
  • I suppose I could wear my Fitbit and just have it update my calories burned. I don't have a heart rate monitor, though.
    in HIIT Comment by Fitnesmom January 2015
  • I decided not to follow the nutrition guide. My Nutri Ninja came with a book called Eat To Lose, Eat To Win and it's all about a fiber-rich diet and so far, I love it! I have been on it for almost 2 weeks and its very realistic to me and I feel full longer. I am going to stick with that and my wife is going to help me come…
  • Nice! My son did the 30 with me today and he about passed out. Made me feel like super woman:).
  • I finally get it. When I got the DVDs I was so excited that I just started doing them without even looking at what it contained. I see now that there are HIIT DVDs...silly me. I am on the same page as everyone now...Yay!!
  • I am not sure. I will have to look at everything again. I printed out the workout schedule from Team Beach Body and it looks like it combines PiYo. Guess I am going to have to make my first purchase for the New Year!! lol
  • So, I am thinking that maybe I don't have the same version of the Combat series that everyone else has. I will post the titles of the DVDs when I get home but mine came with gloves and a tape measure but no schedule. It did come with a menu planner...
  • Thanks everyone! I did not get a schedule with my DVD set so I will see if I can go online and print one off.
  • Great work starting up! Sometimes it just takes that first day. Yesterday was my rest day so today I will be doing the 45 and the 30 tomorrow. I am not sure what HIIT is but I can't stand burpees and I really don't like Insanity. I am more of a pilates/yoga/combat girl myself:).
  • Great pictures! I will be switching on and off with Combat 30 and 45 for this week and possibly next week then I will move on to the 60:). I am thinking about ordering PiYo and doing that in between Combat. Any thoughts?
  • I know what you mean, Jen. I tend to start out really strong and for me, I usually end up getting sick for some reason and that is the reason for me to stop working out. It's weird. It's either I catch a cold or I start my period and then, I am done...I don't want to do that this time. I already feel myself fighting a…
  • I can't believe how similar the DVDs are to the classes I took. It's all the benefits without all the crowd:).
  • I just did the 30 minute workout yesterday and even though my arms were so sore today, I still managed 45 minutes of Kata workout. Because Mondays are not my best days, I will make Mondays my rest days if that is ok with all of you...and I don't think my arms and back muscles can take it:)!!
  • Hey all! My name is Monica and I live in Washington DC. I am recently married (April will be 1 year) and my wife and I have had a very hard go for 2014. She is out on injury for the second time, her mother (and my favorite mother in law...ever!) just passed away one week ago and on that same day, my ex husband (aka, the…
  • I just ordered Les Mills Combat!!! I would love to be each other's accountability buddy. I told myself "well, I will just start it after the new year..." but I really want to start it sooner. You said December 27th? Is that because you are going out of town for the holidays? I was thinking of starting it next week and then…