karenlwhendrix Member


  • I am also married to a fairly insensitive guy. He doesn't make remarks about my weight (for his own safety probably :p ), but he does say and do things that hurt or feel neglectful. I have found that I first have to make sure that I'm taking care of myself. Too many times, I've tried to find my worth in his remarks and…
  • Weightloss/health is certainly a journey and not a destination. It takes constant dedication to keep it on track. Tiresome, but like all worthwhile endeavors, it pays you back tenfold. Keep at it!
  • That's a great reason to want to lose weight! I feel out of the loop - I had never heard of cosplay until this post. Seriously though - losing weight is about getting rid of obstacles that are in the way of doing things you want to do. Whether that's running a marathon, wearing a bikini, avoiding heart disease,…
  • My sports bras - they are already pretty tight to keep the girls from punching me out while running. Gaining weight makes them practically a torture device. But I'm thankful to have that reminder to keep my health in check.
  • Cheers! Nothing wrong with a wine night occasionally. Life is about work and play! At least you know how many calories it is and can account for it.
  • Try eliminating one issue at a time. Vitamins can be powerful (or you may have a sensitivity to one of the components). Try eliminating those for a couple of days and see what happens. Also - if you are eating less carbs than what your body is used to, it might take some getting used to. I know I get some headaches when…
  • 36...mom to three (ages 8, 10, 11)....have worked full-time for the last few years. But , I've run the gamut on work scenarios - stayed at home, ran a business from home, worked f/t out of the house (with and without the hubby staying at home). It's all hard. Keeping yourself fit as a busy mom is not for the lighthearted!