Chocothundathighs Member


  • I would stop splurging on the weekends and eat more fulfilling foods. Stop eating prepackaged foods and start shopping for whole foods. Like someone mentioned, if you are really serious about losing weight then invest in a food scale. Serious dieters DO NOT have cheat days, eat foods that are healthy but still provide…
  • Eating low carb helps lose water weight in the short term. If you go back to eating high carbs you will just regain all the water weight you lost. Unless you plan on making it a lifestyle, stick with calorie counting and exercise. Unless the OP is working out, rotating carbs is pointless and will get you nowhere. Eating…
  • Lose however much you feel comfortable with. If you feel healthy losing 2lbs a week, go for it. Honestly, unless you have a lot to lose, 2lbs a week is very difficult unless you are starving yourself/ working out a lot. If you are just starting your weight loss journey and have changed your diet, usually if you lose a lot…
  • I've lost 50lbs of the 146lbs I need to lose. Anyone feel free to add me. I am also currently on the keto diet and can help with that as well!
  • Im_awesome_becasue_im_me I don't think you know what you're talking about. OP I recommend going to this forum I am doing the keto diet which is essentially the first phase of the Atkins diet. While you consume LESS carbs you get your energy primarily from fat and moderate protein. Most lose a…
  • I've been in that position. I think most people feel bad about themselves when they see others making an effort to lose weight. My boyfriend is the same way eats a lot of fast food and sits on the computer all day. He would ask me every time he went out if I wanted anything and in the beginning I would say something but…
  • Yeah might be easier to shoot for a range. Look up what you're supposed to eat at your weight to lose weight and then set that as the maximum. Like min. 1200 and max would be what you should eat. That way you know no matter what you should technically lose weight by staying within the range. 1200 is definitely hard, the…
  • I cut back on sugar since June of this year. I generally try for zero sugar but there will always be small amounts in most foods. It has made my taste buds more receptive to other flavors and honestly I wouldn't go back. If you want to cut sugar out I would look for alternatives. I am also on the keto diet and make "fat…
  • I have lost exactly 44.5 lbs as well! I am also hoping to lose the the 5.5lbs to get to 50 by christmas. I still have a long way to go but it is a great milestone! I also want to seriously gloat to my family to show them anyone can do it! I am on the keto diet so I plan to bring my own sides to christmas dinner. I am going…
  • I felt like crap this whole week. Although mostly headaches, fatigue, and dizziness. I contribute it all to not drinking enough water and salt. You're lucky!
  • Hey Muzik, I am also 5'4''!! I am around 241lbs right now though. I've also got a great deal to lose, my goal is 110lbs so I can be at a goal of 130lbs. I will add you!
  • Hello I started MFP last sunday but I have about 110lbs I want to lose. I have also started the keto diet. If anyone is interested add me and we can share tips and encourage each other!