instantmartian Member


  • I really need to get back into checking this thing daily. Thanks, everyone for the condolences and the congratulations! haha So far, the past couple of days have run smoothly. I hope it stays this way. Now, I just need to wait to get reimbursed for the week and a half I paid for the rental that I'm (obviously) not using.…
  • January Goal: 30 miles Let me tell you, 2017 is starting off as the most inconvenient year ever. Hopefully, I'll be able to get back into some sort of running, eating, workout routine soon. On Friday, a gas station mixed up gas and diesel, and I (along with hundreds of other cars) ended up pumping diesel into my tank. I…
  • @Elise4270: Yeah. I think she caught me about the marathon when I was/am vulnerably crazy on purpose. I've been sleeping on the couch too long (the contents of my closet are on my bed because the bedroom closet is the access to the bathtub's plumbing). Fun times. My life is currently chaos! It will so totally be worth it.…
  • I've been (kind of) keeping up with the boards, but not contributing much. Right now, my life is in chaos. I am currently having my only full bathroom renovated. I have a half bath, as well, but this means no shower. So...I have been spending more time at the gym these days (to use their shower), but I still haven't been…
  • So...after a few months' hiatus of life getting in the way of absolutely everything, I am back...I think. December goal: A modest 30 miles. As of right now, distance training in not in my cards for this year. I'm planning on running nothing longer than a 10K and working on my form, speed, and overall fitness.
  • You have no idea how insanely jealous I am of all of this! This is so very awesome! You see, I was already registered (with a hotel room) to run the Dogfish Dash in Delaware when they announced the Beat the Blerch in New Jersey last year. I was heartbroken, but I was also running Dogfish Head with my boyfriend, a good…
  • @skippygirlsmom: I am so very sorry to hear about your mom.
  • Congratulations to everyone who ran this past weekend. I see so many PRs and stretch goals smoked. It is wonderful! I, myself, ran a 5K Saturday morning. Because I am a bit insane and seem to often lack reasonable judgement, I decided I would do the "Tough Pumpkin" option and run said 5K carrying a 12.5 pound pumpkin. It…
  • So...I was away for two weeks, and between this as last month's challenge board, I have 969 unread posts to read through. So, for all intents and purposes, I am going to ignore those 1,000 posts and just start reading whatever comes in after this post. I never set a goal for September, and I don't think I'm going to. I had…
  • I was away for a long weekend (3 days) and came back to over 250 posts to read through. I skimmed. I can't wait to see how many posts I will come back to after 10 days in the UK! Saturday morning, my boyfriend and I were out of the house at about 4:50. We had the car packed for a 3-day weekend in Ocean City, NJ with…
  • @Orphia: What a beautiful photo! This just reminds me of why I need to go back to Australia and/or figure out how to permanently reside there. @kristinegift: Congratulations on turning in your thesis!! I cannot even imagine how exciting that is for you. I was not required to do a thesis for my masters, but I have a good…
  • I 100% agree! Thank you! I am super excited, and it should be a great little trip. You know, I could have estimated the Celsius temps when I was writing my last reply. I lived in Australia for 6 months in college, so I got pretty good at quickly figuring out a ballpark conversion, but that conversion really is a giant pain…
  • I think I will be skipping my picnic this evening, and I, therefore, might do a bit of a longer run than the few miles I planned on cramming in directly after work. The weather is supposed to be great yet today, and it's supposed to get hotter as the week goes on, so I'm thinking this evening might be my chance for another…
  • Well, I did no running this past weekend. Friday, I went to a local amusement part after work with some friends. I am an amusement part enthusiast, but I am not, at all, a fan of Knoebels. Most people around here absolutely love it, and I still can't quite figure out why. Regardless, it was great catching up with my…
  • I have this problem, too. I have to constantly remind myself, pretty much every time I'm out running, that I need to keep a certain pace. I tend to overdue it in training runs and races when I stop consciously thinking about and checking my pace. I am terrible with the whole "feel" thing. What I feel is easy for myself…
  • I can 100% relate to this. My BP and cholesterol issues are also completely my father's fault. I've had slightly elevated cholesterol since I first had full blood work done around the age of 8 or 9. For years, my blood pressure would spike big time when I was stressed, but it has been steadily elevated for about the past…
  • I am one of those people who runs, but I am not in love with running. I've been a "runner" off an on (because of injuries) for just about six years, now, and I still do not necessarily like it. I do it so I can drink beer and eat nachos and not be 350 lbs. At 5'4" and 145 lbs, I just squeak into the "healthy weight…
  • Well, the weather was cool (as in 82 degrees cool) and overcast for my entire run. At this time of year, I don't think I could ask for much more. The humidity was lower than it had been for a good month, and there was even a breeze. I forgot what it felt like to run in any kind of moving air! While the breeze felt good, I…
  • I actually thought about attempting to run with my boy cat on a leash the other day. I want a running buddy! Neko does well on a leash and harness (yeah, I'm one of THOSE cat people), but I'm pretty sure he'd balk at my attempt to get him to run with me. @ceciliaslater: What great news! Also, good job on the hill repeats!
  • I haven't logged onto the message boards since Friday afternoon, and I had over 250 posts waiting for me. I don't have time to read through it, so I'll cut it as a loss and start from here. Sorry guys! My next scheduled run is 8 miles. I'm hoping to get it in tomorrow evening. It's actually supposed to be the coolest and…
  • This may not help anything, but both my boyfriend and I have/are struggling with the same thing. My boyfriend went through a deep depression for a couple years after college for this very reason. He had a very hard time adjusting to life post-college. He started seeing a counselor after a couple years, and he actually went…
  • That is pretty darned awesome! The only race I ever truly did for fun was the Disney Princess Half, and there was nothing interesting along the course to consume. (There was a ton to look at, though!) Otherwise, I definitely would have taken complete advantage of such things. I am way too competitive with myself to allow…
  • @MNLittleFinn: What novel would that saying be from? I'm interested. :smile: @katharmonic: It was soupy, but I did score a ton of chocolate, so all was not lost! @ceciliaslater: That is brilliant! I would absolutely love for someone to deliver me bacon during a race...or anywhere else for that matter. Thank you all who…
  • Despite the soupy weather, and the apparent disorganization (or something) of the race, I had a good run. I felt strong, and I know if it wasn't so damn humid, I would have felt even stronger. I don't run a lot of 10Ks, but I had my fastest time in years, which actually has me pretty excited for my half next month. I…
  • So...I just checked the weather for my 10K tomorrow. We're looking at temps in the mid-to-upper 70s, and starting off with 95% humidity going down to about 90% by the time I would finish. Thunderstorms are supposed to start an hour or two later, at which time I will hopefully be hanging out at Troegs have food and drinking…
  • @greenolivetree: That is a very good question. I never asked her, but my guess is that she cannot run or jog for very long. Also, that is super rude about your friend. I've had people make comments to me about these kinds of things, too, along the lines of me being able to do this things only because I don't have children.…
  • @Somebody_Loved: Yay for the road to recovery! I hope things continue to improve for you and you crush your upcoming half! Also, in that case, I guess I rarely ever run, as most of what I do is over a 10 min/mile pace. *eye roll* is right!
  • Thank you all for such wonderful recommendations of places to go and places to avoid! This is exactly the kind of advice I was looking for. I know I could easily look at a map and plan a route, but for annoyance and safety reasons, I figured it would be best to ask those who may be more familiar with these places than I…
  • Re: Non Runners Last week at work, one of my coworkers, who knows I run and is the only one who will talk to me about it, asked if I had a run planned for that afternoon/evening. I noted that I was supposed to be doing 4 miles, but I wasn't sure if that was going to happen with the storms rolling through. (We had…