Hey, POF! Why isn't wine vegan?
Thanks, Patricia! And thank you for the card!
I'm on my phone. What was it?
Thanks for clarification!
I do the same thing to my husband! I can't stand being late!
Just Dance is a darn good workout! My friends and I play on Girl's Nights sometimes. I figure it burns alcohol calories!
RIP, Oberon. Hugs Patricia!
You, my friend, are NOT an idiot. A procrastinator, maybe, but not an idiot! I've always been a procrastinator too!
I am SO using that one!
I was thinking about you the other day. I brought three bags of beef jerky to work...I know you don't eat meat but that isn't the point here. They were gone by the end of the week. If I have food at my desk, then I HAVE to eat it even if I'm not hungry.
I haven't switched yet because I don't want to spend the money. It seems like you're having alot of problems with it.
Good morning, all! I haven't been out here in awhile, but can't get to the Batcave threads on my phone. I hope everyone is having a super great day!
Seriously! What is wrong with people? And isn't he a little old for you? Not judging, just asking.
Those look awesome!
I got out early but then traffic was terrible and didn't get to run any errands before getting the kids. Not a win.
Woohoo! Leaving early today too!
Someone posted links earlier in the thread for good sports bras. I bought one on Amazon that is awesome. PM me if your interested.
Several of you have mentioned dropping shows once you're not interested or it gets boring. I'm quite the opposite once I watch a show, I'm locked in and I'll watch it until it gets cancelled. I don't know why...
THE best revenge!
Getting back on schedule with exercise and eating right was hard for me after vacation too. Probably took me about three weeks to really feel right again. You can do this! Don't give up!
It is frustrating and wonderful all at the same time. Hugs! There's a great site that I used for everything baby/kid related, babycenter, and pretty sure they have a uk version too.
Congratulations to you too! Good luck on finding some pants you like!
Sorry it didn't go well! Are there better sites you could try? IDK, I'm just trying to be helpful! Don't give up! Hugs!
NSV...I recently started wearing two pairs of jeans that haven't fit in 3+ years! Yesterday the hubby and I were putting away clothes. He holds up a pair of the jeans by the waistband to fold them and asks if those were the jeans I mentioned the other day. I told him yes, he smiled, and said "Impressive"! I got this big…
That's super great! I want to see pics!
@orangesmartie - Happy Birthday to Charlie!!
Love Auntie Google! When I was pregnant with my first kiddo I Googled everything and did so much other research...not shocking. My husband and I were always saying, "Well, they say...." so we gave "they" a name and started saying, "Well, Peggy says...". We still use that!
My son told me several times after I had my daughter that I still looked pregnant. :(
That made me LOL! We have a month of jeans/capri days (if you donate enough) here at work because of a charity thing they have every year. I wore jeans all last week and roasted because I was too lazy to shave so I could wear capris.