mherbert0 Member


  • Dan, you are quite right! My apologies. Neither american nor Velveeta seem to have any vegetable oil in them ... not sure why I thought that (will make sure to do my research next time :smile: )
  • Adding tons of fat to your diet is surprisingly easy, once you get used to it. When I first started keto, I had the same concern. I was so "brain washed" that fat was bad, that I couldn't fathom eating that much fat. It seemed so counter-intuitive, and crazy. Now that I've been doing it for 4 months, it's natural and easy…
  • The main problem with most "processed" cheese, is they are made from vegetable oil, which is high in omega-6 (pro-inflammatory). Additionally vegetable oil, is not tolerant to being heated, and when heated produces trans fats, and other unnatural molecules. That being said, you can still eat american and other processed…
  • volfan, I agree with frob. Your HDL is far too low, and your Trigs/HDL ratio is concerning. Event though it's a huge improvement in your Triglycerides (which is great!), the ratio is a more telling number. Have you ever had your c-reactive protein checked? or your LDL particle size? If you are eating a lot of omega-6 fats…
  • Those chocolate peanut butter fat bombs look delicious ... I will have to try them. I'm a big fan of the classic "cream cheese clouds". I've started experimenting with the recipe lately and I've come up with something I like even better: Chocolate Coconut Bombs: Ingredients* 4 tablespoon Kerrygold Butter Salted (room temp)…
  • UPDATE: After completing day 5 of my egg fast, I bounced back up 1/2 lb. So my final weights looked like this: Started egg fast on Friday 11/7 with a starting weight of: 261.4 lb end day1: 260.0 lbs (1,790 kcals -- 84%f / 0%c / 16%p) end day2: 258.1 lbs (1,915 kcals -- 83%f / 1%c / 16%p) end day3: 258.8 lbs (2,266 kcals --…
  • Lisa, I agree with what everybody else has already said. As BansheeCat has pointed out, you do need to get a more comprehensive blood test than the standard "cholesterol panel". Most standard tests use a "calculated" LDL reading, which means they actually measure HDL and Triglycerides, then use a formula to produce an LDL…
  • What app are you using to log that data? I've been logging mine the old fashioned way in an excel spread sheet.
  • UPDATE: So I've completed 4 days of the egg fast. To date, I've lost 4.1 lbs. I actually gained 7/10ths of a pound on day 3, but lost 1.5 today. I still have 1 more full day of egg fast, followed by 2 days of weaning back to my standard keto diet. My macros on this diet are at about 84/16/0). My blood ketone test has…
  • How exactly do you make that?
  • UPDATE: On Friday (11/7) I decided to try an "Egg Fast" (google it). Essentially, you eat nothing but eggs, 1 Tbs of fat per egg (butter, coconut oil, etc), and cheese for all your meals. The theory behind it is that the Choline in the egg yolks and Casein in the cheese are essentially Liver "super foods", and help boost…
  • @radiii, I went about 20 days total without exercise. I suspect the fast weight loss for the first 10 days, when I went sedentary, was water loss. After waiting 20 days, and having no loss at all for the last 10, I added exercise back in. I did gain a small amount (2-3 lbs), but eventually lost that. I had gone for 30 days…
  • MissMaggie, I honestly can't say if that is enough protein or not, it depends on your weight and physical activity. I'm sure you know this, but you do have to be careful not to eat too much protein, or it can knock you out of ketosis (due to gluconeogensis). I had another thought that may be worth looking into as well. If…
  • Ok, fixed my diary it's now public (forgot to change the 2nd setting). Not sure what TDEE is? Anyway, I have a sneaking suspicion something in my endocrine system is out of whack. I had my thyroid checked about 1.5 months ago, and it came back as elevated (hyperthyroid) and about the same time I had a landslide of weight…
  • I have 2 thoughts: * Are you getting enough Vitamin B12? The B vitamin complex is more difficult to get for vegetarians unless you eat enough eggs/dairy. I've heard (anecdotaly) that B12 deficiency can be associated with muscle cramping. * Are you getting enough protein? If you are performing a lot of strenuous exercise,…
  • DD, I just made my profile public. I only discovered this site about 2 weeks ago, so the data is limited, but pretty complete for that time period ... minus some exercise, which I only just started tracking this week. To your questions:* I check my fasting ketones every morning using the Nova Max Plus. I've been bouncing…