loganrandy69 Member


  • Thanks AlabasterVerve, I posted on my way to lunch and forgot to link! Sorry all! Jruzer, yes, it would need to be tested in humans for more validation as the theory is based off of animal research - but it does help line up a lot of the things we know anecdotally about protein's role in our own diet.
  • I'm working on this myself, and the above advice is good, especially the go slow part. Don't feel like you have to run as much or more than the last run every time. I have run a max of 5 miles so far and its hard not to make your max your new minimum - but like sun_tzu said you need to allow your body to adjust to getting…
  • The difference between your "protein bars" and "glorified candy bars" is artificial sweetener - often sugar alcohol. "Energy Bars" are much closer to glorified candy bars than something like a Cliff Builder's 20g Protein Bar. Close in calories but 3x the protein and half the sugar, plus other added vitamins.
  • Quest bars are good, and low carb, and can survive hot environments well - which is a downfall of a lot of bars; they can't last a workout in a backpack outside. The best tasting low carb/sugar option (by a mile) to me is Fit Crunch (by Robert Irvine). Taste is great, 15 or 30 grams of protein, but will get melty in the…
  • Yeah, I was looking for something at the end. But seeing the statistical link between age and weight gain was enlightening.
  • Those two things are mutually exclusive.
  • Classic political machine working small to big. FDA: Let's solve those real problems like Trans Fats, and soda size RIGHT NOW. We'll get to the overprescribing of pain medication, and drug pricing, and tort reform some other time. *Hijack* - Seriously, I got prescribed a bottle of Norco (Tylenol and Hydrocodone) yesterday…
  • I think it works fine as a vehicle into a healthier lifestyle, but its only a lifestyle for certain people. I lost most of my 80lbs doing low carb, but found I couldn't - in the long term - be OK with the lifestyle. I can't do low carb ice cream, or fake spaghetti, or califlour pizza crust - and instead of having real ice…
  • Its just another of those feel good laws that don't DO anything. There are a million of them, and they just clog up everything so someone can say "I fought for THIS" and get re-elected. The most recent one that drives me nuts is texting while driving. It SOUNDS great - and it sure gets touted by politicians as the greatest…
  • Brush your teeth every time you want to eat out of boredom. Its something to do, there's no downside, and for me its both a physical and psychological barrier to eating. Physical, because it makes many of the binge foods taste bad (chocolate and tooth paste? No Thanks.), and psychological because you don't want to "dirty"…
  • This has applied to every activity I have tried and from motorcycle racing (I'm too slow to race) to running (I can't run 100 feet w/o running out of breath), and I'm always delighted that almost without exception people are 100% supportive and will leave you alone unless you ask for help. And if you ask for help, you'll…
  • Planning meals and pre prepping for the day (or week) are probably the biggest keys to weight loss (and maintenance success), and rarely get their due. Getting a meal at a restaurant that clocks in at less that 1000 calories is difficult at best and their "healthy" choices are often the worst offenders. There are a ton of…
  • CICO is math, not science. :expressionless:
  • I've always disliked strict CICO mentalities because it takes a basic truth and disregards all of the other things around it that affect that truth. There are other aspects of diet and weight loss that affect people differently. Calories in/Calories out only works (as a weight control philosophy) if you have no connection…
  • Two very important things to learn for weight loss/control: 1. The difference between being HUNGRY and WANTING TO EAT - That was a very difficult thing to admit to myself. I would eat a reasonable meal and feel like I was starving. I wasn't starving. I couldn't possibly be, I just ate 700 calories! I wanted to eat more,…
  • That article says a lot without saying much at all, like most stuff from HuffPo. "Fruit has more nutrients than a candy bar.".... well, ya. OP, your sugar intake is not a problem. Have a second cup of your coffee. Don't have a double caramel macchiato latte half caff with a twist of lemon from Starbucks.
  • Food labeled "organic" is not pesticide / herbicide free. It. Is. Not. http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?c=ecfr&SID=9874504b6f1025eb0e6b67cadf9d3b40&rgn=div6&view=text&node=7:
  • http://vitals.lifehacker.com/why-you-shouldnt-buy-organic-based-on-the-dirty-dozen-1689190822
  • IMO, treat the having a beer itself as a reward, and enjoy in moderation. One good beer is much more satisfying than several watery beers. Amstel Light is probably the best of the lights, but that's like getting the best frozen microwave meal. Its still a frozen microwave meal...
  • This exactly. I was looking at Applebee's nutritional menu one time and came across this doozy. Oriental Chicken Salad (Its a salad, its gotta be healthy, right?) 1390 Calories 98g Fat 1600g Sodium 42g Sugar Burger and Fries - 1320 Calories... Just, wow.
  • I'm actually pretty much against faux anything. I'd rather have real pizza 3 times a year than fake pizza (I'm looking at you cauliflower crust) weekly. I'd rather treat myself to some real ice cream once a month than buy a gallon of sugar free and have it every day. With a notable exception of diet soda, of course. I…