HoundstoothMFP Member


  • Wow that's a super salad! I've never used powders/seasonings in mine I might do some experimenting. Yeah mine is a little high in cals for a salad, the basil pesto is 140 calories for 2 tbsp but it's worth it. I usually use it on an omelet or on a flatbread "pizza".
  • Same. Knocks that Starbucks craving right out. I also do Trident gum, apple is best. Tried the small dark chocolates....and nearly went through the whole bag so that doesn't work for me.
  • @TakeMyTai Was just looking for others who do this. I've started doing all my email checking, forum browsing, netflix/hulu watching while I walk. If I'm really trying to concentrate I do about 2.0 but scrolling/watching is 2.5 and 3.0 for watching. I'm recovering from an injury and I'm 300+ so I can't go much faster. But…
  • I really underestimated walking....until I got a hip stress fracture and couldn't run. Once I came to terms that it wasn't going to heal overnight I switched to elliptical, recumbent bike, cardio dance class. I just started back with walking at an incline this week and I'm signed up for a swimming class next week. Still a…
  • Completely agree...
  • Not all VLCDs are strictly liquid diets...
  • These discussions always go around in circles....but for ME I don't call them "cheat" meals, but any meal I don't prepare for myself is off-routine and I'm trying not to have them very often unless needed, i.e. meeting, social gathering.
  • Check your iron levels. I still run slow (I'm over 300+) but before I got my anemia together I couldn't run more than 2 minutes at any speed without breathing problems. Before I got injured I was up to 3.5 miles without having to stop.
  • Oh forgot to add, I only use the free option. I don't use the feature to simulate runs in different places so there's no need.
  • Hmm I use iFit. It came with an HRM I can't speak to it's quality, I don't use it often. But I love that all my runs are tracked for me.
  • Suffered from sciatic pain for years with no relief. No disc problems, the nerve was impinged all that time, spine doc said arthritis. Tried some foam rolling and then out of the blue mine improved. Your situation is different obviously but props to you for doing ANY exercise I could barely move. Good luck!!
  • This is my "go to" meal, or my "heavy meal" that fills me up for hours afterward. I cook the chicken in Land O'lakes - Saute Express Southwest (I also use the other flavors for other meals). Ranges between 400-570 depending on how much chicken, sour creme and cheese I use. It also lets me get in a bunch of lettuce even…
  • Thanks. I've found at my size and working at home some of these are difficult, like sit ups, bridges and pull ups. I was following some of the fitness blender body weight workouts but I was having to do too much modification to get in some positions. I do counter push ups everyday before cardio though and hope to progress…
  • Oh wow thanks I've always like that site but I've never seen this.
  • Good points. I've been thinking about adding a second leg day at least 2 days before my long run/walks on Sunday. I'll try that next week....
  • Ha! Yes I could hold it but I couldn't actually lift the thing. Thanks for the advice.
  • Another quick question about lower body. At my weight I figure squats/deadlifts/lunges are heavy enough without extra weight. I only do legs once a week because afterwards I can hardly walk or sit. Any thoughts about that?
  • Thanks for the replies! I've seen the fitness blender folks use the power blocks, I think I will get those. I dumped the gym (that I never went to) when I bought a treadmill last year but I'll see if there are trainers with their own shops.