

  • I sure will,,,, and I with you girl. I started at 185 and now I am down to 172. My goal is 150 for a healthy BMI and my height. I am 5'6. so please add me! Looking forward to the encouragement because I can use the help as well.
  • This is what I did..... I said self "you love for to damn much. You are starting to look like a melting candle at the waistline. That mess is no longer love handles. It's a melted hot mess. Its ridiculous how much you love food. Your face is fat and round like a ball. Your pants are to tight at the waist and you keep…
  • Hello there ReRe you can add me to your friends for support. I am looking for the same as well. I was 185 and now I am 170. I am looking to drop another 20 to be 150 for my BMI. I absolutely hate working out but I don't mind eating healthy. But in order for me to be where I am today, I needed to workout as well which…
  • Welcome to the 40's I can help crack the whip. LOL please add me to your group of supporters.
  • Try this on for size..... I am married to a Mexican and we keep bean, rice and tortillas in the house along with the rest of the Mexican grocery store. So I feel your pain. The taco does not stand alone. I am 95% gluten free. I thought it would be hard but it was not. I eat six times a day. 2 - 3 crabs at breakfast, lunch…