Hi From San Antonio-- OMG Tortillas

Hello all. I'm Veronica in San Antonio. Keeping my calories down is sooo hard when live in a place with the world's best flour tortillas and breakfast tacos are practically their own food group. Anyway, I'm a short female (being half-mexican, no surprise, we are not a tall race in general), middle-aged and peri-menapousal. All of these wonderful attributes makes losing weight really hard to lose-like 5 pounds in twelve weeks hard.

I did low carb (aprox 50 grams a day) with calorie cycling, 1,000 to 1,400 and walking. Total loss in 10 weeks, 3 pounds.

Now I'm doing The Cheat Diet. It's really mostly clean eating and keeping my calories at 1,100 to 1,200 a day and walking. I lost two pounds the first week and nothing this week. My body must have a weight loss disability.

I'm 5 feet tall and weigh 126. But I want to get down to 110. Maybe I should wish for a unicorn instead. It might be more feasable since for the past three years the lowest I ever got was 120 while doing WW (oh so hungry on WW), and that was after 3 weeks of illness. Just lovely.


  • kalinbeima
    kalinbeima Posts: 28 Member
    OMG I am cracking up right now!! Good job on the clean eating and walking. Your body is probably just trying to figure out how to respond. If not you can always shoot for the unicorn ;-)
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Have you tried incorporating any strength training? I felt like it really boosted my weight loss to do a combination of cardio and strength; the scale moved faster than with cardio alone. It also helps with your body composition as you lose weight, as in losing more fat, less muscle:)
    I know what you mean about the tortillas, though. I still eat them, but maybe once a week. Substitute corn for flour, they have 1/2 the calories or less.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hello, fellow San Antonian.

    SA truly does have the best food in the world, with so many big people here made so by the Mexican goodies. Try one-meal-a-day. You will lose your weight.
  • Try this on for size..... I am married to a Mexican and we keep bean, rice and tortillas in the house along with the rest of the Mexican grocery store. So I feel your pain. The taco does not stand alone. I am 95% gluten free. I thought it would be hard but it was not. I eat six times a day. 2 - 3 crabs at breakfast, lunch and dinner, 1 to 2 crabs at snack. 2 green smoothies a day. What does this look like? Breakfast - oat meal, berries and orange juice or coffee/ maybe 2 eggs and berries, snack a green smoothie, lunch salad with some kind or protein, fruit and water, snack green smoothie. Dinner , black or brown rice, veggies 1 to 2 cups and 3oz or chicken or fish. Snack, yogurt or 3 cups pop corn or 1/2 ice cream if I like. I exercise only 3 times a week for 45 mins. a week. 1st day strength and cardio training. 2nd day cardio training only and 3rd day strength training only. Sometimes I will throw a 4th day in there just because I have the time and that day will look like whatever I feel like doing. Doing it this way has allowed me to loose 18 pounds. I have learned missing a meal is not the best way. Your body goes into starvation mode. I no longer do diets because I understand it has to be a life style change. Please understand I hate working out. I don't like it at all. In fact it just sucks! It's the worse thing in the world to me besides fruit cake. But if I want to live than I needed to do this. I hope this information will help you in some way. God Bless
  • 0067808
    0067808 Posts: 119 Member
    Hey, you think you have problems - what about the unicorn - ever tried sunbathing on your tummy with one of those things on your head? Good luck with the weight loss - we're all different shapes/sizes and one things for sure; what works for a 6ft model doesn't work for us shorties.