I need help

I can't stop binge eating or get motivated to exercise.


  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    You "have to want it" to get it!
  • acnoyes
    acnoyes Posts: 151 Member
    Hey Alison!

    We all start with the recognition that we have an issue...you have done that! The first step is done!

    Here's the thing...once we truly admit to ourselves what our challenge really is, you should take one positive, grand step toward breaking the cycle. My own experience was that I admitted to myself that I couldn't control my own eating habits when serious emotional or stressful incidents occurred in my life...I would binge and then crawl into bed hoping that it would all just blow over without moving toward getting it resolved. The problem is that I knew what my problem was, but I fell into my own trap of, "Okay, I have recognized my problem...but..." :'(

    Take some action right now! Get outside, walk, ride, jog, run...just move to start. If it's raining, trust me your skin is waterproof. If it's snowing, I'm positive you have a jacket laying around somewhere! ;) If you are injured, what can you do? Move your arms? Move your legs? Sit ups?

    This community is amazing in how many people are willing to be cheerleaders for you...victories little and big should be celebrated and will be if you share them here!

    Go get at 'em and let me know how I can help! :D

  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    I can't stop binge eating or get motivated to exercise.

    I'm sorry, but do you think anyone is going to be able to say something that's going to make you turn things around? It's all got to come from you, start off with some small steps. Chuck out food likely to make you binge. Don't buy anything that comes in large quantities for example. Exercise can be done just from walking, that's all it takes. You can probably lessen the urge to binge by occupying your time as much as possible and eating food that's high in fibre. All the best to you, you can do it - but you've got to make it happen.
  • candacebetter
    candacebetter Posts: 7 Member
    I suffer from the same thing. I eat emotionally and compulsively. It is something that I have to work at every day. I can speak on what worked for me:
    1. Education - I read any and everything I can find on binge and emotional eating. Read things about problem solving, being assertive. I'm reading a really great book now called 'Maximize Your Body Potential' by Dr. Joyce B. Nash. If you go to a dollar store you might find an edition (that is where I found mine). She has chapters and other nutritional advice related to the subject
    2. Talking - I see a therapist once a month. I don't know if that is your thing but it has been very helpful for me. I can better recognize emotions and figure out how to deal with them. Church can be healing for some, maybe even a Overeaters Anonymous meeting (I didn't care for them, but there are loads of people who swear by them).
    3. Action - Pick one thing you can do to help yourself, do that 1 thing and forgive yourself for everything else. Eventually you will master it and you can move on to another goal. Eventually what you can control will be bigger than what you can't. I started off with just recognizing my emotions and writing them down.

    You can do anything you chose to do! Message me anytime you need a little encouragement!
  • The only thing that we can do is be open to changing for the better: for our health and to make a positive impact on those that we love... family, friends, pets... You have to be ready. And, speak with a professional if you think you're binging is truly not controllable. They will know how to help you.
  • This is what I did..... I said self "you love for to damn much. You are starting to look like a melting candle at the waistline. That mess is no longer love handles. It's a melted hot mess. Its ridiculous how much you love food. Your face is fat and round like a ball. Your pants are to tight at the waist and you keep trying to cover up that fat belly with big shirts that make you look pregnant. That is not cute at all. You are topping 185 at 5'6 and you can't run across the street without being out of breath. I understand food is like a party in your mouth but if you want to see your beautiful daughters in the future something has go to change." At that moment as I stood in the mirror looking like the melting pot, I realize I was the biggest lair in the world. I had to admit to myself that I did not want to stop eating all of my favorite food. That I did not want to do what was necessary to change this way of life. I had to stop pretending and be 100% honest with myself. You see it's not enough to just want it. I realize you have to grow into the behavior all the while by saying "I really do hate this *kitten*" but If I wanted a better way of life, than I just have to do it because I am suppose to and it's the right thing to do.

    You don't have to like working out or eating healthy because God knows I don't. Working out it's the stupidest idea in the world that was every created but it's also the smartest idea at the same time because it serves a purpose. I needed to understand this and you can't have healthy eating with out exercise. I get it trust me I will send you a friend request. Warm Regards
  • its rough i know :( i always thought it was cruel of fate to give type one diabetes (genetic) to someone who eats their feelings. what i tried starting to do instead was if i felt sad or bored or what have you i picked up a book and read a chapter instead. if you love reading it really works. you can replace it with any hobby you might enjoy. heck even meditating works if youre into it. but what the folks above are saying is essentially true, you have to want to help yourself for it to work. take whatever your reasons for wanting to be healthy and write them down on slips of paper and tape them up over your house (i did this in my kitchen) instead of telling yourself 'dont eat!' tell yourself 'i want to feel good about myself' i hope this helps you out a little bit