

  • I have decided to start my diet in the worst time of my life with everything crashing around me, i have put myself in a state of mind that the only thing i can now control is food. I have decided to have a love/hate relationship with it the first 3 days were the worst i was so hungry so i kept myself really busy. I am…
  • WOW! can not believe what i have read. I weigh 165kg (god only know what that is in pounds). OMG Yes people treat you different. I am not talking about being a size 14 to 18, but when you are larger. You are passed over for jobs (I always get interviews or am selected as being one of the last two applicants) but once they…
  • If Marlovs78 knew me, they would know I am deadly serious about my opinion on doctors and how i have been treated in the past. And if Marlovs78 was referring to my weight loss you just watch me i am in the right state of mind, this is the worst time of my life and if i can do it now nothing is going to stop me. marlovs78…