mellyo77 Member


  • I have been keto for 6 weeks anyone can add me as well
  • Did it ruin fake boobs for you too ? I saw that episode ....sadness
  • You got me, thanks for breaking it down. I am seriously lacking in a sense of humor...even a couple
  • Actually you said a "couple of fake boobs" - not a set - so I think you should do as someone else suggested and get 3
  • I do actually think you would get more realistic feedback from friends and family (since you already have your boyfriends opinion. If you don't have those people I guess coworkers would be a safe second choice. I think that someone who comes on the internet asking strangers who don't even know what you look like if you…
  • I smell something trollish....... So you don't make decisions without asking for strangers on the internets input first ?
  • I am only 9 days into keto, and a couple of nights ago we ordered out - and I ordered a chicken stuffed with ricotta and spinach and veg with butter. When the food came the chicken had breading - I didn't even think of that being a possibility when I ordered it. I scraped as much as i could off but there was still some…
  • I have the Fitbit Blaze - which is the one that looks more like a watch - the insert (computer piece) pops in and out so you can switch bands. Pros - step counter is accurate -doubles as a smart watch - you can receive notifications from email, phone, and social media - but cannot interract -you can use it to control the…
    in Fitbit? Comment by mellyo77 January 2017
  • Everyone slips and falls at least once in life.... the most important thing is you are starting again and you have a plan in place. I mess up all the time, but then I re-focus and re-plan (food and exercise). Food is an addiction like anything else - so take it day by day or hour by hour if you have to. Good Luck! Add me…
  • I think ultimately it boils down to figuring out what your motivators it to lose weight and be healthy for your kids, and husband, is it for yourself... you have to be ready. For some people like me accountability is a huge piece - maybe joining in on one of the challenges that are on here would be helpful if you…
  • My Doctor was very upfront - "you're obese....obesity is a major contributor to heart disease in women. Can you imagine in 5 years if you have a stroke and your kids have to wipe your *kitten*?" Some may say that's harsh, I absolutely adore my doctor, he is upfront and to the point and my hugest supporter - high fives…
  • I make a bowl - I use brown rice or quinoa, with roasted corn, tomatoes, avocado, roasted sweet potato you can add a little bit of cheese, or chicken (or any protein - beans etc) and I make a chipotle dressing with yogurt and chipotle and other stuff. Its great cold, completely nutritionally good for you, as long as you…
  • I drink a gallon a day sometimes more - I drink it ice cold initially I had to be conscious when I drank and when I wasn't drinking enough (sometimes had a timer on my phone) but eventually I came to crave it. I have a 32 ounce Nalgene water bottle with the wide mouth so I can add lemon but when I first started drinking…
  • I respectfully disagree - 6 cups of water plus water from soups etc will not send someone into hyponatremia (water poisoning). Hyponatremia happens when you consume too much water and do not consume enough electrolytes to balance it and the sodium levels in the body drop below safety points. This happens to athletes (for…
  • I was given very good advice to try and drink a gallon a day. It was initially difficult because although I drink a ton of water I did not monitor how much - at work I would get busy and forget. I bought a 32 oz bottle and set reminders at intervals where I thought I should be at least down one bottle, if I wasn't finished…
  • Winnipeg - don't judge me
  • I am respectfully going to bow out of this one guys, but good luck to everyone.
  • I buy a big bag of steel cut oats, I never used to be a big breakfast eater, but not eating breakfast completely impacted the way I ate the rest of the day. I am now on a schedule and I have steel cut oats every morning with some blueberries and almond milk. I also eat a lot of lean ground turkey, in soups, chillis,…
  • Can someone just tell me what team Im on, I cant open the google doc at work :) Please and thank you :) :)
  • Anything with melted cheese, Indian food, dips - hot cheesy dips, pasta
  • I am just curious why someone would even join MFP if not for some sort of support or information gathering. If you were just using it to document food and for the fancy articles....why even put up a profile picture.....
  • I am pretty active, and have an open diary, if anyone wants to add - please feel free - I am a total diary creeper lol