

  • Interesting, I never knew that but it makes sense. Although, it still seems like hrm's are much better than just using general estimations in online databases. When I asked my doctor about all this, he just told me to use a hrm if i really wanted to be serious.
  • Fruit is extremely healthy and full of nutrients. Also, natural sugar from fruits and whole foods is different from added sugar like what you get in chocolate and it is even processed differently. You eat snacks because you are hungry, if you ignore that hunger, you will probably overeat at some point which is much worse…
  • Thats how i started at first and lost a good 20lbs that way. its basically just portion control, eat when you are hungry but know how much you need to eat until you actually feel full. You dont need to eat until you feel full at the table, you can eat way less and usually feel full like 10 minutes after eating. I only…
  • How so? its well known you burn more calories when you exert more energy. Two 5'8, 24yr, 165lb males running a 24 minute 3 mile could burn completely different amounts of calories depending on how good of shape they are in. It might be considerably easier for one person, meaning he exerts less energy and burns less…
  • I am deciding between the basis peak, new fitbit charge, or the sports edition iwatch. Since the fitbit and iwatch arent out yet, im waiting to see how they compare to the basis peak which is supposed to be very good and accurate.
  • I probably ate around 3000 calories for Thanksgiving dinner and 1000 calories before that. Although, I got bad food poisoning later that night and threw up/diarrhea'ed everything from that entire day.
  • Try doing some good exercise an hour or 2 before you eat. Itll give you some extra calories to eat for the day and get your metabolism all rev'ed up so youll digest everything you eat faster. Also, pickout a nice plate of food but try to stay away from going back for seconds and you should be fine.
  • I exercise so i can eat more without being overweight lol. Unless youre looking to lose a lot of weight fast, its best to eat back some of the calories. If you only eat 1800 calories a day and burn 1000 through exercise, that means youre only getting like 800 calories a day, which is very low, id be concerned about how…
  • I thought the new health app on the iphone was cool so i got a fuelband to track my activity and downloaded myfitnesspal to track my eating. I already love to run so i figured id just try to get a little healthier and improve my run times some.
  • My problem is if i dont eat lots of carbs (breads and such), then i dont feel full, and i get hungry again after my meal faster.
  • Crazy eights- run 8 laps on track, 300 meters at about 80% speed and then 100 meter jog before starting next rep. Ladder- run a 40m, then 100m, then 200m, then 300m, then 400m, then 500m. Once you get to 500, go back down until you get to 40m. Suicides- over 40meters, mark 4 or 5 spots. Sprint to closest spot and back,…
  • I recorded 14800 steps for the day. Most things online say it's about 2000 steps to a mile. That includes steps from a 5k I ran though, I don't know if the conversion is still 2000 steps to a mile when talking about running. The fuelband seems fairly accurate, I'v tried counting my steps and comparing it to what the…
  • No, it doesn't include my BMR. The nike fuelband is just a fancy pedometer that counts how much you move during the day and translates it to calories burned based on your height, weight, age and gender. It basically counts the calories you burn outside of your BMR. There's nothing really to figure out about it though haha.…
  • Yeah, I burned 1080 calories for the entire day according to nike fuelband (includes my workout and just normal walking around). Nike fuelband says 350ish calories of that total was from my run which means I lost about 700ish just from normal every day stuff. If I'm burning 700ish a day from normal activity, is the…