daletheriot72 Member


  • Love love love my vegan diet. Went into it thinking that I would plan carnivorous meals, but I enjoy my vegan options too much. I never crave meat or cheese any more.
  • Vegan for almost 6 months, add me if you like. If you excuse the roasted salmon I had last week...office threw me a going away party and salmon was the only thing on the menu under 1,000 calories. If they are throwing ME a going away luncheon, you would think that they would take me to a vegan restaurant..
  • 500 calorie vegan meals are about all I do. I have a dozen or more to add, but I don't want to flood the thread :)
  • 1 cup steel cut oats and 4 oz roasted tempeh, with a whole 10 oz package of frozen green veggies, with a tsp of earth balance
  • Yves deli meat(vegan) sandwich on whole wheat with 3 cups of cut up veggies and calorie free dressing.....
  • I eat tempeh almost every morning. I cut it into cubes and toss it in bragg's and nutritional yeast. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Yum!
  • I converted to vegan only after watching forks over knives and reading Eat to Live. Both are excellent. If you are looking for recipes, I highly recommend vegandad.blogspot.com and theppk.com.
  • I recommend Tofu Xpress. I do not work for them :) but I use mine pretty often. It makes pressing tofu extremely easy and convenient.
  • Vegan here too. Counting calories and making progress :)