animall Member


  • I am always curious about one thing, is there any food to avoid to lose belly fat? Is it true this i have to cut away sugar, white flour etc. Sorry if this is a stupid question I'm still learning.
  • Thank you, those are great advices. However I do have a question. Do I have to buy the equipments or go to a gym for the full effects? Because it will be costly to do so. :confused:
  • This is exactly the answer i was looking for. Thank you very much! as for the 4kg thing, what i was trying to say was that i lost 4kg in a month or so. Sorry, like i mentioned earlier, english is not my native language. i hope you understand what i mean.
  • I am currently trying to do cardio once every 2 days. But I'm a beginner and get tired REALLY fast and tend to give up. :( However i can feel myself improving. So i would say for now its total 1 hour of cardio (both low and high intensity) in a week. I know how little it is but I'm still improving. Why do you ask?
  • Ohhh noo. Then i think i got all this wrong from the start. I'm actually quite comfortable with my weight (hell my BMI is close to underweight) but i have those stubborn fats all over my body (stomach, thigh). I thought if i lose some weight it will go away so i started counting my calorie, but today i lost 4 kg my…
  • I'm quite a slow learner so i just want to clear this up -- as long as i hit the calories goal, what i eat won't matter AT ALL? If it won't affect my weight, will it affect my body shape? Of course, i know that i have to eat healthy food to get the nutrition. But what if i eat a lot of high carbs food (under calories…
  • Seems like after endless of research there's still a lot that i don't know. thats harsh . why would you say that.
  • Guess i shouldn't call it a cheat meal then. But i can't help myself but feel bad because of the fat content of the food. But i understand that i have to move on and eat ''cleaner'' tomorrow. Thanks.
  • any meal/ food within a calorie goal wouldn't be considered a 'cheat' in my opinion and tbh if I was stuffed on cake then I'd not eat a meal either .. going with how full you feel is a good guideline, sometimes [/quote] That is what i thought too. I think i definitely did something wrong because as the baker i know exactly…
  • Thank you, but i don't understand something you said. If my cake doesn't considered as a cheat meal, why would your "within my calorie goal" food considered a cheat meal? Sorry because english is not my native language i always have a hard time understanding what people says. Sure, i admit that I'm skipping meal partly…
  • I know that it is a stupid question but i need some opinion. thank you
  • This is just for today, normally i eat a lot of vegetables, but they are very low in calories too. But yeah next time I will try to eat more protein and healthy fats. Thank you.
  • actually yes i did weighed my fruits. And yes in my country we have really small bananas and apples. But i might want to get my weighing machine checked because the apple was definitely bigger than a crabapple. Anyway I'm new to this site and the speed of the responds really surprised me. Thank you all for solving the…