hist_doc Member


  • Definitely going to try one of these! Thanks for the recommendation.
  • I’m sorry you’re struggling through this hard time. I don’t know if this will quell your fears but my younger sister (she’s only 31) is currently battling breast cancer. It took about one week (possibly under that) to go from lump discovery to mammogram to diagnosis. And this occurred two weeks after my aunt’s diagnosis. I…
  • I have been running outside at temps above 90-95 while wearing a bandanna covering. My heart rate and pace are pretty much exactly the same as before. I will say that it took some getting used to but I think it’s more psychosomatic than anything. I fold the bandanna so that it lays on the bridge of my nose and drops past…
  • I’m also scheduled to run Atlantic City (postponed from this past spring). Which event are you running? Do you know if they’ll still hold the race? I ask because Broad Street Run (in philly) was just cancelled for October. They moved it to a virtual race.
  • I own the bike (bought in 2016) but use the app for running (followed their marathon training plan last year) and strength training. Peloton gets a bad rap for being expensive but I feel it’s more than worth the money. My friends pay 3x what I do for a gym membership that they barely use. Four years later, I’m still making…
  • I’ll add you! I’m phd_mami.
  • Yes, this is also the case with my watch and MFP and Pacer setup. I always delete one of the workouts because it duplicates the workout.
  • I use Bose quiet comfort. I do marathons and while training I can’t stand having the buds slip out of my ears. These fit over the ear. They are the most comfortable ones I’ve ever used and as someone who runs very long distances, it was worth the investment. The best part is they resist wind and rain—which are issues I’ve…
  • I’m afraid they can. There’s no law that guarantees advertised prices that are printed, posted, etc. typos occur all the time, especially when circulars go to press. Some stores choose to honor prices that might be mislabeled but they aren’t legally required to do so.
  • Have you tried running in the rain? It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I find that I have no choice when I’m training for marathons. I have a treadmill but I’d rather do a sloshy long run than miles and miles (and miles) on the treadmill. If it’s not a downpour running in the rain can be fun, especially with a partner.
  • I had my first for ten years, then had it removed to conceive my second child. I’ve now had the second IUD for almost three years. I’ve never experienced weight gain due to the IUD. I have lost a bit due to marathon training over the past year or so (I drop a few pounds while training) and losing my appetite from running.…
  • Did you read my post? I run marathons among other long distance races. I train outdoors most of the time. I am not locked up in my house. One doesn’t run 20 plus miles inside. I just choose not to cycle on the roads. It’s a choice. And frankly, it’s a smart one given that I’m not comfortable with it.
  • me too! I bought mine in 2016 and paid under 2k for it. I don't know what the sticker price is now. I use it several times a week and now that they have the tread classes I am able to use the running classes (in addition to their strength training classes) as well on my own treadmill and while running outdoors (I don't own…
  • Currently training for a marathon. I ran my 22 mile long run yesterday and logged 43,778 steps during that time. I can’t recall how many steps I took during last year’s marathon and I’ve since switched watches.
  • I must be amongst the 10% you're referring to. I bought my bike 3 years ago this month and I still use it at least 3x per week. I'm primarily a long distance runner--I run a few halfs per year and I'm doing 2 full marathons this fall-- so training for those takes up the bulk of my fitness routine. I love my peloton…
  • do you use a smart watch? It connected to my Garmin (through Strava if I remember correctly), and then to MFP. When I used fitbit, it was an automatic sync. Congrats! You are going to love it! I've had mine for almost three years and still use it almost every other day depending on my race training schedule :)
  • I've owned one since 2016 and I can't say enough wonderful things about this product. It provides data on total and avg. output, distance, avg. cadence, calories, avg. resistance & speed. Within this set of metrics you can get even more detailed info on each and track how well you performed throughout the ride, so yes, it…
  • My psychologist has diagnosed me with body dysmorphic disorder but in my case I see myself as 30-40% larger than what I really am (5'8" 135 lb.). It is, of course, much more complicated than that but to share a bit... I was under the impression that BDD caused one to exaggerate (and not the other way around) perceived…
  • I find that barometric pressures affects my headaches. I’ve been having terrible headaches (near migraines) this past week due to weather patterns despite the fact that I take preventative medication. Have you experienced anything like this or high humidity where you live? I have to take topiramate daily to ward off…
  • I just started wearing New Balance the Shockingly Unshocking Bra. I used to wear Panache (with the underwire) but since I've gotten smaller (after nursing my second child) I can wear more mainstream sizes. I purchased on Amazon and it's pretty affordable. The shoulder straps are adjustable. I also like Enell high impact…
  • I agree--I did find this bra to be awesome for three wears--until it literally fell apart. I hadn't even washed it. I was fitted in store and bought size 32D. Other users have reported the same malfunction. I think it all depends on whether or not you get a good one or not. Lululemon refused to refund me because I had worn…
  • seriously?
    in Tummy fat Comment by hist_doc July 2019
  • 7/1 - rest 7/2 - 4.5 miles (tempo) 7/3 - strength training + 30 minute spin 7/4 - day off 7/5 - 3.5 miles (marathon pace) + strength 7/6 - 3.5 miles 7/7 - 4 miles 7/8 - rest 7/9 - 4 miles (tempo) 7/10 - strength training + 30 minute spin 7/11 - 4 miles (marathon pace) 7/12 - strength +hill drills 7/13 - 3.5 (marathon pace)…
  • agreed. I put myself through grad school (a Ph.D. program) while living on a measly stipend of 16k a year for five years. I was a single mom. I didn't receive any alimony or child support from my ex to supplement this income (long story...it would have bankrupted him and he would have lost the house--our son's childhood…
  • 7/1 - rest 7/2 - 4.5 miles (tempo) 7/3 - strength training + 30 minute spin 7/4 - day off 7/5 - 3.5 miles (marathon pace) + strength 7/6 - 3.5 miles 7/7 - 4 miles 7/8 - rest 7/9 - 4 miles (tempo) 7/10 - strength training + 30 minute spin 7/11 - 4 miles (marathon pace) June: 92/80 23.5/80 goal
  • @zamirasoni forward is a pace. you are a runner! late to the party... memory - I'd say I have a pretty good memory. I can recall facts and seemingly random tidbits about people that I met once and even many years ago. I can also recall where words and passages are located in books. I don't know how I do this, I just can.…
  • I feel silly for posting my ticker but I need the self-motivation. We were away at a music festival all weekend so some of my Friday-->Sunday miles were walking miles. I've had trouble adjusting to the heat and couldn't finish my tempo run yesterday. Better luck today!
  • @shanaber will do! thanks for the tip I'll have to catch up on the board tomorrow. I've been planning my son's end-of-year party (it consumed most of the past several days) and it's finally tomorrow. thank goodness! 40.5 miles done/39.5 to go
  • ^ hugs. buy it for yourself :smile: