Marathon Runners- what’s your daily step count?

Purely out of curiosity. I’m not a marathon runner, but I hike a bit and my biggest step days tend to be around 23-24k, which always makes me feel good to see. Just curious what a daily step count looks like when you run a marathon, or are training for one.


  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I did 75000+ steps the day I ran London marathon. That included getting there (around 10000 steps before I even got to the start line) and back. But I have little legs, I always say I run the equivalent of 1.5 marathons compared to people with normal size legs, and 2-3 marathons compared to the elite athletes with their long legs.

    My normal daily step count averages at 26000 steps, and I average around 13 miles walked/run a day.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    I had to dig a bit to find this in Garmin but last marathon was 50,360 for the day. I have no easy way to know how many steps were taken during the actual race.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I looked into this once and of memory serves me correctly the number of strides in a full marathon is somewhere between 40-60 thousand(stride lengths being what they are).
    My highest for non running days is about 30,000 (a round of golf and some walking during the day), and a few travel days abroad just wandering around and exploring a new city.

    I try to move around a fair bit, but hitting 10K a day is about my normal. I won't topple that barrier unless I actually go out and do something cardio related.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    The day I ran Boston I totalled 53, 052 steps, since there was a lot of walking involved, aside from the race. When training I usually average around 19,000+ a day: 40-55 miles a week of running plus 15-20 walking with two non-running days.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    My step count on marathon day was 75k. I average about 2400 steps per mile (I’m rather short).

    My peak training week was 210,000 steps. That was the highest-early weeks were closer to 80-100k total.

    I average about 3k non-running steps per day (I work a desk job at home). So anything over about 21k steps a week is from running.
  • RunnerGirl238
    RunnerGirl238 Posts: 448 Member
    Between 55, 0000 and 75,000 depending on long run.

    On non longrun days, I avg 10 to 15 k
  • hist_doc
    hist_doc Posts: 206 Member
    edited November 2019
    Currently training for a marathon. I ran my 22 mile long run yesterday and logged 43,778 steps during that time. I can’t recall how many steps I took during last year’s marathon and I’ve since switched watches.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    My last marathon I had just under 60,000 steps for the whole day. My distance total for the day was 33.7 miles, which included walking to and from the race and then sight seeing around Chicago that evening. By taking my average cadence multiplied by my time, I would estimate that 43,600 of those steps were accumulated during the race. I generally average more steps per mile walking than running. I get about 2000 steps per mile walking and 1600-1700 per mile running. I use a Garmin 735XT for tracking. I did a comparison study with my husband's Fitbit once and the Fitbit inflated my step count by almost 30% over Garmin. I suspect that there will be quite a bit of variability depending on the device you use and how accurately it's calibrated.
  • daniellethesheep
    daniellethesheep Posts: 117 Member
    Day of marathon like 45000-50000+ depending on how much walking is involve to and from start area. Most training days I average around 25000 doing 70-80 mile weeks. Tempe days I don’t run can barely break 5000 steps 😂
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    48,176 :D

    Ran a marathon today and this is where I'm at minutes before I go to bed. So add 15 more steps and call it a day. :p