MomOnAMission76 Member


  • Ugh this thread is bad for willpower! I would have a big glass of italian red wine, a big juicy cheeseburger and fries (homemade, not fast food), finish off with some vanilla cake with vanilla icing.
  • We don't eat out often, because I don't feel like I can justify the cheat just yet due to not losing very much. When we do, I will keep this in mind. I don't weight packaged foods, I tend to trust the packaging. This would probably only apply for my 0% fat yogurt and the occasional protein bar.
  • Yes, I was in fact on the lower side of the normal range. I asked her about this specifically and she said it was "fine"...I do take a multivitamin with iron, I suppose I could take an additional supplement to see if it makes an impact.
  • I need to lose 115, no need to worry. Back to the chicken, I am not adding calories in cooking so all good there. I add garlic powder and pepper and bake on a sheet pan. But I will have to be sure I'm not underestimating the oz considering the whole raw vs cooked option.
  • No I am choosing the entry for the brand of chicken I use, which doesn't specify.
  • Something I just thought of and wanted to post here for insight...I've been measuring my proteins in cooked ounces. A 6 oz chicken breast would cook down to maybe 4 oz, so I've been entering 4 oz. Have I been doing this wrong all along?
  • He's the same height actually and we both have desk jobs. He may move a bit more with meetings but still is sitting most of the day. I hope to some day be smaller or at least the same size as him.
  • I will be 37 in a couple months and I'm 5'6". I have a desk job so that certainly doesn't help. I know exercise will help, but it's not going to be magic. I know giving up isn't an option, because if I stop tracking I will surely gain weight, I always do. After my youngest was born in 2016, our diet slid a bit just due to…
  • Thanks everyone for your responses. This was not a dramatic change for my body, I probably ate closer to 2000 before. I've never been able to eat a lot without seeing it on the scale, luckily tracking on and off for 6+ years has helped me to know what I should and shouldn't eat. I will improve my accuracy and keep at it.
  • Oh sorry yes, I meant in the absence of a food label. that is always my go to. usually I find this only happening with fresh food like veggies or fruit.
  • Gotcha. I usually do this for veggies (the one you saw was probably zucchini), figuring that it's a low cal item and not as crucial. But I'll make sure to do that, anything helps.
  • I usually try to find the one with the check mark to make sure it's the right item, but when there isn't one, I try to default to the higher one so I'm not over. I just made my diary public if anyone wants to look. I try to maintain balance and not exclude food groups. It's hard to resist the lures of things like keto but…
  • I use both a food scale and cups, depending on the item and if it has a listing for oz vs. cups, but always try to weigh where possible. I am very diligent with this, and usually round up if I'm not sure.
  • I made a yummy and easy recipe that I thought I'd share. I kind of made it up so I don't have a link: 1 lb ground turkey cooked with low sodium taco seasoning 1 cup black beans 1 cup corn (I used frozen) 1 can low sodium diced tomatoes 2 zucchini, diced and sauteed Additional seasoning to taste (I avoided more salt, but…
  • I am late to the game here but would love to join this thread. I have about 115 to lose.
  • Looking for friends who are in it for the long haul with more to lose. I will realistically have to track my food for the rest of my life to stay accountable.
  • I'll be 37 soon and the weight makes me feel older. Looking forward to feeling my age. At least all this face pudge fills out those wrinkles nicely :wink:
  • It's true that you show sooner with your second! I am almost 13 weeks and the exact same weight as I was with my daughter, but my belly compares to my 18 week belly with her. I came out at work at just the right time, I couldn't hide it any longer! Gained 2 lbs so far.
  • Due 8/31 with my second. Lost 40 lbs prior to pregnancy through IVF. About 75 left to lose post-delivery. Gained 22 lbs with my daughter, trying to keep it under 20 for this one.