For me a cornflower-tofu mix helped nicely with the binding, they didnt fall apart at all anymore
Oats are amazing. I like to eat them with some type of milk, fresh fruit and yogurt or as porridge, where I just cook them in the microwave with water and small pieces of apple. Especially the later one will give you a huge, very filling warm breakfast even if only using 30g of oats.
In general I do agree with everyone saying do what you enjoy, but from my personal experience: For me it took actually going running twice a week for a few weeks until I started liking it. Now I love it for itself and the calorie burn is just an added benefit.
How long have you been running? You might be overdoing it a bit. If you're running longer than you can easily sustain your muscles get tired and might not be able to absorb as much of the impact, so perhaps try going for shorter (but possibly faster) runs?
I tend to get out of breath easily as well (had asthma all my childhood...) and what really helped me was paying attention to breathing out at least 3 times as long as breathing in, which can be incorporated really well into the step rhythm while running. And also I had to convince myself not to be self-conscious about my…
Oats with cinnamon and apple pieces become a LOT of food if you cook them with water. I do it in the microwave every morning and it doesnt get boring :) (but I usually add some seeds, nuts or whatever I feel like because 200kcal for breakfast just leaves me feeling irrationally hungry all day no matter how much I eat later…
The right type of Yoga can actually build muscle, since it has tons of body weights exercises (planks, push up sort of things etc). I have read many times that Yoga helps in getting everything tight and lean without "bulking up". I dp agree about the weights though, but would rather suggest exchanging some of the light…
In level 2 or three the regular jumping jack is substituted by a version with dumbbells, where the hands are only lifted to about head height. You could do that from the beginning
I like Jillian Michael's fitness videos a lot. They are mostly on youtube :-)
I had a cold at the beginning of December and forced myself to keep on doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It was probably the dumbest idea I've had in a while and resulted in me having sinusitis for about two weeks - nasty headaches even after my cold was long gone. So I would recommend really listening to your body. If…
I agree with rabbitjb, the weight (or at least some of it) is probably not real weight gain. You may have eaten a lot more salt and had some alcohol which will cause your body to retain water. Drinking a lot of water and tea in the next few days will take care of that. Also some may be food weight! Meat takes longer to…