kshedler Member


  • I liked doing T25. It's a bit less strenuous than Insanity. You could also try HIIT videos on YouTube.
  • I'm in the same boat! I work part time and have joined the gym, but most days I can't get there because I'm home with the kids. I struggle mainly on the eating side. I'm very picky and it is SO easy to just snack all day when I'm home. Have you tried any HIIT videos on You Tube? Those usually make me work up a sweat. I…
  • I give you credit for being a single dad! I've got two little ones and now how difficult it can be to get that workout in, when all you want to do at the end of the day is relax, or how hard it is to eat right knowing you'll have to prepare a second meal for said child. Hang in there. MFP is a great place for motivation,…
    in hey y'all! Comment by kshedler June 2015
  • Same boat here with 2 girls 16 months apart. I was back to prepregnancy weight about 4 months after the first one but a year and a half later I still can't get rid of all the baby weight. I know my diet definitely needs some work but with a husband in retail and two little ones it's so hard when I just try to make sure…
  • Hey there. Same here. Had 2 babies and can't seem to bounce back. I'm at my heaviest at 32 and want to lose about 20lbs. I can't stand counting calories but that might be the thing that will help me the most. I've been trying to do some type of exercise every day and getting at least 10,000 steps a day. Good luck and add…
  • Binge eater here too. I rarely indulge while at work but all I seem to do when I'm home is eat! (Mostly unhealthy things too ) I'm going to try drinking more water when I get hungry. It must be really boring over at my house!! :D
  • Good for you for doing it while others around you won't! Keep a positive attitude. There's always someone here to help.
  • Hey there! Hoping to lose about 20 lbs so I can fit back into prepregnancy clothes. Been trying to get to the gym as much as I can and have started doing HIIT workouts on you tube at home.
  • I agree above. Going from 1-2 a day to nothing is most likely going to end in failure. You should start by just alternating one healthier meal a week for the fast food, then increase after some time. I like the idea of entering in all my calories for the day (which I haven't actually started yet - still working on…
  • Same issues here. I sit in an office three days a week. The other two are spent at home with my two young girls. Still trying to lose all my pregnancy weight a year after my littlest was born. I have a wedding that I'm in in Sept and refuse to put on any more weight for fear of having to let it out! I'm hoping the only…
  • Hi there! I've been on here for a while but am still getting used to making this change into an every day thing with the logging of food, exercise, etc. I've gotten the hand of the cardio logging thanks to my heart rate monitor, but planning meals in advance and figuring out portions/calories, etc from a menu are still new…
  • You look amazing! I'm hoping for the same results. Nothing worse than watching those clothes get a big more snug every time you go through the seasons... :)