slashnva Member


  • Yeah sounds good
  • Well first you need to get your diet down. Because if you can't get your diet under control you won't be able to get the maximum results from any workout your doing. I have been doing a ketogenic diet. Which means I est almost no carbs and no sugar. Look it up online. It's very hard to explain but for me it works great.…
  • Thank you for the support everyone! I'm new to my fitness pal so I'm still learning the ropes. I love how friendly everyone is on here. It's great to have support when you have those few days where your on the fence.
  • thank you for the reply... and to give you an idea of how its working so far for my results.. these are my results from day 1 to today. which is day 27 .
  • I have a question about fat loss.... Well i have been doing p90x2 for a month and im on my second week of phase 2. im getting really great results and im eating very very well. But I cant tell if my lower stomach fat is getting flatter.. Everything else is getting so much thinner i think its just the difference in how long…
  • I have a question about fat loss.... Well i have been doing p90x2 for a month and im on my second week of phase 2. im getting really great results and im eating very very well. But I cant tell if my lower stomach fat is getting flatter.. Everything else is getting so much thinner i think its just the difference in how long…
  • Do you think my results from day 1 to 27 is normal or below what others get? See my profile picture
  • just got on here today... i have been doing p90x2, my profile pic is my results so far.. it would be cool to find some workout buddies on here