What's your biggest weight loss / fitness pet peeve?



  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    jbee27 wrote: »
    sheepotato wrote: »
    I hate when someone who is an adult says they don't want to drink water or eat something healthy because it's 'boring.'

    You are not a toddler, you do not need sprinkles and purple food coloring on your chicken.

    I don't drink water because it's exciting, I drink it because I need it. How empty is the rest of your life that you need exciting beverages daily?

    haha, this is great! I think this every time I see a thread that says "I hate all vegetables". Really?? Grow up. Eat a damn vegetable.

    One day after seeing an "I hate all vegetables" post, I tried to figure out roughly how many different varieties of vegetables there are in the world, and then how many different ways there are to prepare them. There are thousands of vegetables, certainly. Five different basic techniques? Ten? So there are literally THOUSANDS of different preparations of vegetables, and people are claiming they don't like a single one of those? Don't like French fries? A margherita pizza with tomato sauce? Asparagus browned in olive oil or stir-fried with sesame seeds? Zucchini halved, scooped, stuffed, and baked? The mind boggles.

    I think they mean they don't like salad with no dressing, which is what they've learned is "diet food." And/or they've never eaten a decent vegetable--just frozen, canned, and sad pale refrigerated supermarket tomatoes.
  • Wronkletoad
    Wronkletoad Posts: 368 Member
    People who don't know lane ettiquette in a lap swimming situation.

    am one who's not sure about this - I always have to ask. From my competitive swimming days, I'm comfortable with circle swimming (regardless of lane partner's abilities), but still have to ask if they want to do "left side / right side")...

    what is your pool's ettiquette?
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    "Don't you miss your boobs?"
    Yeah, because my self validation is directly dependent on the size of my chest, right?

    ..... Not so much. My chest is my business, not anyone else's. I don't find it cute or funny when people ask me if I miss my huge knockers (news flash: I don't).

    "Are you sure you're not losing too much weight?"
    Yes, I am absolutely certain I am a healthy weight. Let me worry about that, and maybe look at my twin sister before you go accusing me of losing too much. She's 10 lbs lighter than I am and nobody hassles her about it. Perhaps it's because she wasn't 60 lbs overweight, like I was? Perspective, people. It makes a difference. Ugh.

    "I know you're on a diet but try this!"
    Hi, have we met? I LOVE food of all sorts. I'm not "dieting". I made healthy changes to my eating habits and still get to eat the awesome decadent foods when I choose to do so. Don't assume I'm on a diet simply because I lost weight.
  • qxana1969
    qxana1969 Posts: 9,330 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    Direct quotes from my mother. "Your vegan diet isn't healthy, you eat too many carbs. Your brother and HIS wife are doing paleo, I think that's a healthier way to go" or, "when are you going to feed your kids some meat? Send them up to me for the summer, I'll fatten them up." Sure, Ma.

    Completely ignoring the fact that we don't eat meat for other reasons, then gloating to me about her new leather couches and texting me pictures of her steak dinners. >.<

  • qxana1969
    qxana1969 Posts: 9,330 Member
    I work in an office where they constantly talk about my vegan diet as if I was from another planet. I also get told it's not healthy (like their fast food diet is) and they will fan the scent of their lunches in my direction - usually fried chicken, hamburgers, etc. I simply don't understand such disregard. I never preach to them about how unhealthy their choices are. Oh well, since I've gotten serious about mindful eating and making a commitment to give up processed foods, alcohol, and sugar and started to move more, I'm down 70lbs. this year and feel fabulous.

    I am terribly sorry your family doesn't support your choices - I commend you for feeding your children a healthy, cruelty free diet. Best of luck!!!
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Speaking of wait staff...

    What always bugged me when I used to bartend was if I was taking a lunch or dinner break and guests would pass by or approach me and make a comment about how "where's their food" because "they'd like to be able to eat too". Helllooo ask your server/bartender not someone who is obviously on break. I even had one really rude b*tch say I could "afford" to wait to eat dinner a little later which I'm guessing was a jab at my weight. I told her straight up "yeah see where that attitude gets you" so she complained to the manager and he reprimanded her for her rudeness HA!

    Going by the "save our restaurant" shows, restaurant staff generally should not eat or take their breaks in view of paying customers. And it's on tv so it's true, right? ;)

    Technically since the food wasn't free, I was a paying customer! Haha.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    And adding another one to the list...

    My sister and I both go to the same gym, but on different schedules. Sunday is my off day, I spend my Sunday -completely- relaxing doing whatever the heck I want, no house work or anything. So my sister asked if I wanted to go to the gym , I said no thanks I'm just gonna hang out at home, she laughs and goes "Bad habits creeping back up huh" on her way out the door.

    Uh.. no. Not at all. -_-; She should know better too since she knows my schedule.

    "#teamnodaysoff" is cute and all, but I don't judge people's schedules. Your schedule doesn't affect my goals. :)
  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member
    And adding another one to the list...

    My sister and I both go to the same gym, but on different schedules. Sunday is my off day, I spend my Sunday -completely- relaxing doing whatever the heck I want, no house work or anything. So my sister asked if I wanted to go to the gym , I said no thanks I'm just gonna hang out at home, she laughs and goes "Bad habits creeping back up huh" on her way out the door.

    Uh.. no. Not at all. -_-; She should know better too since she knows my schedule.

    "#teamnodaysoff" is cute and all, but I don't judge people's schedules. Your schedule doesn't affect my goals. :)

    In this same vein (and a repeat from about a million times in this thread), "Oh you're eating that? You must be off your diet."

    **** you. I eat what I want. Every day. No food is off limits. MYOB.

    -- I may have a little extra bitterness about this today since I got that question just a few minutes ago. And Friday.
  • jmcnealy
    jmcnealy Posts: 28 Member
    bothers me how non-dieters are always the first to point out if you're eating something like 1 cookie... ("should you really be eating that?") while they are eating a milkshake and cheeseburger.

    or being overweight and people being like "have you tried a diet and exercise program?" uh yes, what do you think i've been doing my whole life?

    or being at the gym and having people criticize your weight or ability. I'M A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!! at least i'm there!
  • ThePoeToaster
    ThePoeToaster Posts: 1,681 Member
    My latest (I have many) pet peeve is about how people who swear the PALEO diet is based on real science. <smmfh> I just want to scream.
  • TopazCutie
    TopazCutie Posts: 386 Member
    BIGGEST pet peeve is when people say "cleanses/detox/fasting diets don't work". It really depends on how they are used... they can be incredibly useful at kick-starting weight loss and making old habits die fast & hard. The afterwards you switch to a healthier diet than before and maintain. Obviously the diet is not something to be done for a life time. We know that. However after the detox/cleanse/fast there are changes that occur to your preferences, that DO last a lifetime.

    For example, at 163 pounds (my highest weight) I eliminated wheat for like a month or so last year, after reading the book "Wheat Belly". I lost 20 pounds and have kept it off effortlessly. I eat bread now but it just doesn't taste/feel as good or as normal is before. Bagels and Mcdonalds breakfast sandwiches are a treat now, where as before they were a daily thing I ate without thinking.

    Now after about a year of maintaining 143ish, I am confident that my weight is STABLE. I'm on to the next "detox/cleanse" -- GREEN SMOOTHIES! I'm only drinking these for the next few days
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    people telling me i don't need to lose more weight...really? how do you know? I have goals and it sucks that you don't
  • slashnva
    slashnva Posts: 12 Member
    I have a question about fat loss.... Well i have been doing p90x2 for a month and im on my second week of phase 2. im getting really great results and im eating very very well. But I cant tell if my lower stomach fat is getting flatter.. Everything else is getting so much thinner i think its just the difference in how long it takes everything else to burn off compared to my lower stomach fat. I feel like I am looking fatter as my body fat percentage is going down even though my stomach fat is going away. I can tell im losing body fat because around my upper bladder area you can see where these really big indents are starting to form that goes up to my lower stomach and part of the sides of my lower stomach is flattening. my main question is when you are losing your "pooch" or lower belly fat. Does it start to go away from the top above your belly button or does it start to tighten from the bottom up? cause i see its tightening at the bottom but its still kinda big around my navel area. Thank you for whoever reads this and replies
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    When they post they want to "loose" weight.

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Sorry got to say it ....
    I wanted to lose weight; now I have loose weight - that damn jiggly belly stuff ... Again sorry just every time I read 'loose weight' I think of my belly.

    Back to the annoying things

    People who laugh/ point at larger people riding a bike.
    I have, a couple of times, had to chime in with ' at least they are doing something'
    Way to go you ' fat bottomed girls' ( Queen)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    mojohowitz wrote: »

    Careful, they actually hand out warnings for commenting on pour spellering.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    KnM0107 wrote: »

    "I also hate when people who look thinnner than me tell me how horrible they look and that they need to lose weight because they are hideous. people dont even think about how thing like that are not only self depricating which is bad enough but also inulting to me, because if you look bad you are pretty much telling me i am even more hideous."

    How someone feels about their own body has absolutely nothing to do with you...
    Anybody at any size can have body issues and being thinner doesn't make their feelings less important. You being bigger doesn't make your feelings more important.

    I agree with this, but I also know that it's natural to assume that someone who thinks she's disgusting at 110 probably thinks it's more disgusting to be 200, even if she's way more judgmental of herself than she would be of anyone else. I've learned not to be bothered by people's expressions of body insecurity, but the real takeaway for me is to realize that others could be hurt by me going on negatively about my own body, so it's probably rude and a good thing to avoid.

    It's also a good reminder not to do something that I think is unhelpful and negative, and to remind myself that I don't think that way about other people's bodies, so should not about mine. IMO, there often is a connection between how judgmental you are of yourself and the standards you apply to others, though.

    I once had a friend who was slim and athletic say to myself and another overweight woman that she couldn't possibly go to the beach because she had gained five pounds and would be embarrassed to put on a bathing suit, people would think it was disgusting. I asked if she walked along the beach thinking that about other people and she said "Yes, of course!"

    Perhaps what she meant was that she couldn't possibly go to the beach with us, but I still choose to believe she had some real issues.

    True. And I have female relatives who make statements like that about themselves as a way to shame others. So when someone says that about themselves, I've been hard-wired to think it's a passive-aggressive slight. Whether you mean it that way or not, I assume you're negging me.

    As to the mens sizing, let me assure you that a size 32"32" does not mean the same thing from brand to brand. Vanity sizing is alive and well in the mens department too.

    When I say that I feel like the ugliest, fattest most unattractive hambeast on the beach - i don't consider others who may weigh more than me to be worse. I don't even think about them. IM the worst, because im the one that has to live in my body. The only thing I really notice on other people is - ooh that pattern is cute, or I wish I could wear that kind of suit, or I wonder if I could get away with that yet. The only time I judge someone's appearance is when they are immodest by my standards and it's not like I'd tell them lol. Other than this, I am too distracted by my own imperfections.

    I dont judge others harder than i judge myself. Im a pushover when it comes to other people. The criticizing voice in my head is a skinny shrew-like, bony fingered, bible thumping, cold souled apparition of my mother. And she doesn't know anyone else on that beach lol!
    chadya07 wrote: »
    that the thing though. you should. i mean if you are talking to someone, you hould consider how your words would affect them. i mean if you give a crap about them. i am not saying you should care about everyone in the universe all the time. but if you are talking to someone, and something you are saying would be indirectly insulting, even if you are directing it to yourself... you should think about them.

    my original post was about my mom, who gained a lot of weight suddenly, and now she looks like i looked most of the last say 15 years... she repeatedly tells me she is hideous and horrible, and all i can think is... you have seen me my whole life, i looked almost exactly like you. how can you stand here and tell me you are hideous, and not realize you are telling me that i looked hideous for years.

    but it is exactly what you are saying. "i dont even think about them" and "distracted by my own imperfections" and i dont think this has nothing to do with me, if i am part of the conversation. it is a pet peeve of mine that people are careless with their words when putting themsleves down. people SHOULD think of who they are talking to before they open their mouths, otherwise they are not talking to you at all, just bouncing their words off someone whos feelings dont matter.

    the funny thing is... over thanksgiving i finally got tired of it and told her how i felt when she said things like that... and she said "but i always thought your were beautiful even when you were bigger" and i said then why cant you feel that about yourself?

    its all very complicated though..with moms...

    you know what - you are 100 percent right.

    those of us that are not overweight, even if we see ourselves as horribly ugly monsters in our own minds long after we lost the weight, have absolutely no right to lean on our friends and family unless they are smaller than us.

    If we need to lose less weight than the person we are speaking with, we can't vent about frustration with our own bodies or our own hang-ups.

    If we are struggling with self-worth and self-consciousness, we should ONLY find someone skinny and/or fit to complain to.

    Because unless we are very overweight, any of our own personal issues are nothing more than a creative way to go about finding new means of insulting the people we love who weigh more than us. It doesn't matter if we are sisters or best friends. Sisters and Best Friends are -N O T- the people we should lean on when we are frustrated or depressed. Only look for fit people.

    AND if we are ever in a situation where a beloved family member or friend who is smaller than we are, starts talking about how they feel they are fat or hideous - we should remember that this is actually a comment about our body and not theirs. What they are saying, in all actuality, is that we are even worse than them.

    Did I get it right?

    If im smaller than my friends, I don't get to talk about my health and fitness? Cool.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    One question I have that is based on several probably incorrect assumptions then - how did all these veggie loving adults get fat in the first place? I've found they've cut out a *kitten* ton of calories for me

    car accident, couldnt walk for a long time