

  • I agree with people saying it comes down to a deficit. I suck at running (I try, but I suck and I don't even have something to blame it on), but for whatever reason I can walk for hours on end (quite literally). I walk a lot and I don't see any weightloss from it, but as soon as I go into a deficit and work out (other…
  • Also ps: I know for a fact NB is very popular here so I could probably find that pants online (not sure about sizing though), but it seems the kind of pants that sits very tight on you like the ones you have to peel off of you?
  • Thanks cheshirecat, I'm not a hiker at all so I might be delusional in thinking I can find an item I can wear for all three. I like the merrell range a lot, but since I order everything (well 90%) of my stuff online I can't always find a seller thats willing to ship to my house so it would be nice to know other shoes I…
  • Happy accident
  • I have a question which may or may not open up a can of worms. I was always told by both medical practitioners and the lay man that 2000 kcals are the average for a woman and 2500 for a man. So to lose weight hover around 1500 kcals as a woman, but if 2000 is in actuality a number they just picked out of thin air and the…
  • I'm not worried about her opinion on my exercises. I love my workouts and won't change it, but she's just so adamant for a second I thought I might be the one that's got it wrong. 99% of the time I let it slide, but this time I just needed someone to remind me I'm not the "crazy" one.
  • I'm sorry for the rant honestly I am... I just got so annoyed at being told I need to be in pain more (I did some new moves yesterday so I'm rather sore now). She's my friend so I usually give her slack with that, but when you actually sore lol your tolerance is a lil lower. The problem is she is seeing results so of…
  • Hey, I just wanted to echo the thoughts of others... I'm one of those people who believe in working out every day (I don't, but I would love to get to that point). Working out a lot doesn't mean you will get better results as someone who works a few times a week. My bf doesn't believe in working out every day. I tease him…
  • Thanks I felt so silly after asking this question, but there wasn't an option to delete the thread. I was just making food the other day and thought wait this is a lot of spices (a TBSP per spice), I wonder if this is somehow secretly sabotaging my attempts at healthy cooking. I try to follow the "healthy clean meal"…
  • Lol you have no idea how much I edited the post before I actually posted it. I like fitness blender a lot :) I probably would have just followed their KB routine not knowing they didn't have the best of form. So another useful tip!
  • from your response it seems that you do quite a bit of KB workouts :smiley:. I haven't tried the turkish get up, but that is one move I bought the KB for I research quite a lot online, but I only recently found out about that move. That just goes to show you how little I've looked into KB moves. I suppose the "turkish get…
  • I live on an island with a gym the size of a bedroom so a personal trainer is out. Yes, with the deadlifts I know I'm suppose to hold it on top, but I was just trying to say I don't feel it as much as I thought I would... The only time I feel it is when I hold it on the side as I would when I do a squat. Also the move I…
  • Yes, of course I knew it was a silly question after I typed it. You don't need to exercise to lose weight. Well you guys certainly made me feel better lol so I'm not the kind of girl to do insanity etc doesn't mean I need to sulk at it. Thanks :wink:
  • Hey, thank you for all the responses. I had a HRM monitor, but I hardly ever used it so I sold it. I do start off with a warm up etc. I probably should have mentioned I don't go to the gym I work out at home, so for cardio I will put on a DVD some examples are p90, Jillian, Debbie Siebers etc. What I'm trying to accomplish…