I hear ya - peanut butter and quest bar are just heavenly. But now when you say you're eating relatively healthy, does it mean only eating certain things? Also are quest bars and peanut butter usually what you eat daily/weekly or not as often? Sometimes binges come from just not eating enough and most commonly restricting…
Well like they say, new year new you! :) First thing right now would be to eat enough. Use this calculator to find your caloric needs: . I know it can get hard, sometimes your mind plays tricks on you and you get so consumed with "not eating too much" But right now…
Lifeskittles said it well. Also " thinking that it would perhaps be better to be slightly large and not have food problems than to be a healthy weight but very obsessive. " Not true at all. You have to change your mindset. You can eat chocolate, mcdonald and literally anything you want and still be at a healthy weight,…
Bottom line, find out why you're binging. That's basically the only way you'll be able to move on from it. Are you an emotional eater? Restricting yourself? Not eating enough?. When you find the reason, you will slowly stop binging.
It's pretty interchangeable, if you go over your fat/protein/carb ratio - you're going over your caloric amount
Like the previous answers have said, look into the depression. At the same time, if you don't like what you're seeing - change it. No one here can give you any motivation, it has to come from you. I know it's hard when your mood/thoughts and everything are pretty much against you, but you have to push through it. Why are…
I'm 150cm and 45.5 kg so if anything you're in the normal weight area based on your height. It really doesn't matter what people say though, especially when you lose so much weight, it's like you're brand new and people were just so used to how you looked before that they're probably just amazed now.
Don't think about it too much, if you give the thought of "Oh no, its the holidays" and you associate binging with it, its just bringing more anxiety(What ive found to be true) Basically take it day by day and eat what you want just don't go overboard. You need flexibility in your food habit, i wouldn't suggest in…
I can turn my hands 360 degrees woo
But don't beat yourself up over the past : ) It honestly happens. I had about 3 unsuccessful weigh loss until i became serious about it. How were your eating habit? Were you only eating specific things and trying to stay away from other food? The thing about step backs like this is that you learn what went wrong so you can…
What's your height and weight? Are you actually overweight? Initially when i first started i never counted calories, i just wouldn't eat as much as before and worked and and i was losing weight. But then i started learning more and it helped. I'd suggest using this to find out how much calories to eat to lose weight :…
Like Bwogilvie said, it could be SAD. Also is there anything that maybe happened recently that could make you feel like this? Is there something you feel bad about? Maybe some issue going on in your life? Also is this the first time this happened to you? If not, you could go get a check up.
Unfortunately if you want to make that change, cooking might be a must. I mean you could buy those freeze food but cooking is better. What i do when i have no time is prep some meals. But i totally hear you with the issue about the sweets and your mom! When i first started my weight loss, my whole family would eat anything…
Hahaha i read "Stomach" as "Sandwich", clicked immediately and became disappointed when i re read and saw "stomach"
Depends what you mean by 100% and what your plan is. The fact is anyone can choose anything, it just takes a lot of dedication and patience. But at the same time, this is the holiday season and there's nothing wrong with wanting to eat more (depends on personal preference of course)
Make sure you're eating enough, this is a good website to tell you how much you need: Get your proteins in. But what i found to be most important was not to over think. It's okay to have a treat once in a while. You can eat basically anything as long as it's in…
Sometimes you just need to get up and do what you have to do. I used to have severe depression and there were times were i just wish i didn't have to wake up everyday. Those are the exact times that count the most. Life can get hard, you have so many things you need to do and it feels like you just don't have time to work…
You need to find what works for you, which is eating later after waking up. Like everyone has said, it won't matter when you eat as long as you get your calories throughout the day. There's something called "Intermittent fasting" Basically it's a "window" on when you're eating, someone people will eat all their calories…
Haha cold turkey is the worst though! Tried that on chocolate once (clearly a horrible idea) Anyways how exactly is your diet? First things, clean it up. By that i mean start eating better. Cut down on the soda which will probably be tough, easiest way to do it: don't buy it anymore. Start packing your fridge with food…
Nothing beats Quest bar, it actually tastes soo good
Tall skinny Cinnamon dolce latte is a-m-a-z-i-n-g
Sometimes you just need to take a little breather and eat. But i don't mean binges lol. When you have these cheat meals/days, are you eating things you don't usually eat because they're "not good for you"? There's always a cause for binging. Also you DIDNT mess up. Don't beat yourself over this. Losing weight can sometimes…
You're not going to gain weight. But first what's your height and weight? Find your TDEE (basically how much you can eat staying at your weight) Here's an awesome website: . So after finding that it would tell you how much to eat to lose weight. Since you're having…
Don't step on the scale so fast. Only do it once a week, the exact same day. I used to have a pretty serious binge eating problem so i know how it feels. Those 2.4 pounds are NOTHING at all :) You might think weighting yourself everyday helps you on track but it doesn't. Your weight changes throughout the day. Your body…