Okay. Thank you. I have been entering say 5 servings of 1 tsp instead of 5 servings of 1 tsp(s). Guess I never paid much attention to how it comes out in once it's entered in. Again, thank you.
Thanx. I thought 16-18 sounded like a lot or a measly chicken and 4 oz of chicken is not a lot, but it seems most places I look go off that 4 oz portion size. We have 3 people in our family and get two maybe three meals out of it (depending what we make with it). The only reason I was so inquisitive about the serving size…
So I "de-chickened" my chicken and it turned out that out of 5 lbs (just went off the package didn't actually weigh it), 10.6 ounces of it was inedible stuff. So my chicken was basically 4.3 pounds, so it would be 16 servings correct? (in 4 oz serving sizes)
Good point....maybe that is why the recipe states 4 servings. I guess I will have to pull apart the chicken before everyone gets their portions so I can get some what of an idea how much a 5 lb chicken would feed without the bones and such.
Thank you ... I like the splitting the difference option! Never even thought about that!
Thank you! My doctor says I need to limit my carbs (she's big into that although I don't think I will be doing the 45 g she wants me to go down to any time soon!) Anyway, so I am keeping an extra eye on my carbs and have been quite shocked at the carb content in a lot of foods! Guess I will have to limit my substitute…