TeresaPSJ Member


  • jgnatca, I do that with turkey breast. The stock reduces down great - and the meat is of course fall off the bone tender.
  • and on the burritos- you can make them any way YOU want. If you aren't a TexMex fan, make BBQ chicken or pork burritos. Make chicken or tuna salad and wrap it up. Make veggie if you want. Heck, I've been known to smear on some peanut butter and cream cheese, drizzle with honey and roll em up. Great for breakfast or…
  • I work nights, so my crock pot is my best friend. Get home in the morning, throw something in, and then package it up for my midnight 'dinner'. I've got black eyed peas in there right now and they are smelling great! Also - the burritos are a great idea. I spent 30 minutes putting together I think it was 18? of them from…
  • what about smoothies that you can freeze and let thaw? Veggie, fruit or a combination of the 2.
  • hey that's great! I'd love to take mine, but they overheat easily. You'll get that energy - it takes a while sometimes to get in the groove. Also - vary your route. Even walking the same route backwards (not walking backwards, doing the route backwards you know what I mean!) can help.
  • What Bambi said. For me it can take 2 weeks to level back out, so don't get discouraged. Keep tracking and you'll be back on course soon.
  • Can you get a partner? Sometimes that helps, even if just once a week.
  • this is an issue for me, as my target run is mostly flat but has a few decent hills at the start, and I live in a very flat area. So, once a week, I'm doing a hill day - running back and forth over an intercoastal canal overpass with about 80 feet elevation gain. I didn't do this last year, and wrecked my knees in the…
  • well said beemerphile
  • Hang in there, Kris. I feel like that for about 70% of my runs. But those 30% make it worth it. You may try running at different times of the day, and vary your nutrition until you find what works for you. One size does not fit all. I do much better running at night; or very early morning - like 3am. I work nights, so…
  • ha agreed! I always thought the jogging title was for those 'runs' that were, well, for looks. If you are out there working, sweating, increasing your heart rate, and doing what you can, you are running. Or as an old running partner used to say, 'if I've got my running shoes on and I'm moving faster than a walk, I'm…
  • I love/hate running. I have started and stopped so many times I've lost count! But I do love the feeling of completing a difficult goal, so I'm starting over today to train for my 3rd marathon. I've actually completed 2, but trained for 4; the first one ended a month before the run in a near heat stroke. The third one…