bmj2015 Member


  • I do both, but if I was forced to pick I would absolutely (!!!) choose strength training. This is the #1 thing that has helped me "look good naked", as you put it. I actually think diet + strength training + walking is a recipe for success! (The only reasons I do any vigorous cardio is because I sometimes enjoy it, and…
  • No, you can definitely give your body some time to rest and recover. Get plenty of water and eat some protein. You'll probably feel less sore as your workouts with your trainer continue, but for now there is no need to overdo it. When my legs are dead from "leg day", I usually just take a long walk or do some yoga and call…
  • Thanks everyone for weighing in on my cardio... I know, it's kind of confusing sometimes! Basically my trainer says I don't *need* to be doing much cardio since I am happy with my weight and more interested now in gaining lean mass to replace fat mass. But he also said if I actually ENJOY it (which I do) that I should…
  • I'm 5'4" and 125 (down from 138). I started recomp about 3 weeks ago. This includes a heavy lifting program and eating at maintenance calories (still kind of figuring out what this number is for me.) My BF is around 23-24% right now. I'd like to get it down under 20%. Please feel free to add! Love to meet people with…
  • I've read through most of this thread, there is some great info here! I'm NEW to lifting and recomp. I started about 3 weeks ago on a strength training program, working to failure with a trainer who seems like he really knows his stuff. I am LOVING it so far. I'm 34 and female, 5'4, 127 pounds, and I'm guessing between…
  • Thanks for the replies so far — this is very helpful! I'm totally ignorant when it comes to protein shakes, etc. and kind of intimidated by that kind of stuff. Can anyone steer me in the right direction there?
  • My trainer is $50 for a 45 min session. I see him 2x a week. It's high intensity strength training, he really knows his stuff and I'm seeing visible results quickly. Totally worth it for me for the results, and also to know I am working out safely.
  • Maintained! Well, actually on 12/24 I was 124.2 pounds. Today I'm 123 pounds. So a 1.2 pound loss — and I definitely had a couple days when I really just went for it in terms of eating. So it's comforting to know that I can do that every once in a while without ruining all of my progress.
  • I'm planning to eat whatever I want on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. After that I'll be back on track. Depending on what our NYE plans are, I might let dinner that night be a bit of a "treat" meal, but honestly I'd rather feel like I am kicking *kitten* and taking names on January 1st, not like an overstuffed turkey.…
  • On December 24th and 25th I will eat whatever I want, no logging. I'm not going to worry about it at all. I find that I get full VERY quickly these days so I think I have a little bit of built-in portion control now anyway. I have a different approach to New Year's Eve/Day though. I always ask myself "How do I want to feel…
  • I'm 5'4". SW: 139 CW: 125 GW: 120-122
  • I am also leaving. Not so much because of SmartPoints but because I hate the new website and user interface.
  • Oh, trust me, I've been working my butt off! But it did go a bit quicker than I expected, which I am chalking up to two very helpful things: 1) My husband is also losing weight right now, so we are meal planning together and motivating each other. It's been so incredibly helpful to have a live-in fitness buddy. 2) I teach…
  • I'm 5'4". Started at 139 about 10 weeks ago. I'm down to 125.5. I'm feeling really good, but I would like to get down to the 118-120 range and see how I look feel. I'm guessing I'll want to maintain right around 120.
  • Name: BJ Height: 5'4" Starting Weight (3/2): 135 Goal Weight (3/30): 130 3/2: 135 3/9: 3/16: 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month so far: Struggles or successes of your week:
  • I also do first thing in the morning, right out of bed and before I've had anything to drink or eat. I weigh myself on Mondays and Fridays. (It's easy for me to eat healthy and light during the week, but harder on the weekends, so weighing in at the beginning of the weekend and first thing Monday morning helps keep me on…
  • I resolved to read more and spend less time on social media. So far, so good. :)
  • I'm 5'4 and have similar goals. Based on previous experience in my own body, losing 15 pounds has been enough to make me look smaller everywhere. But, as people said above, it also depends on how your body loses weight.
  • Hi! I would be interested connecting with you, or any of the folks on this thread! (Females only please.) Me: 33/Female/Minneapolis Weight Goals: (I'm 5'4") SW: 140 CW: 136 1st Goal: 125 2nd Goal: 120 Final GW: 118-120 Fitness Goals: - Get 10,000 steps daily on my FitBit. This is so satisfying to me for some reason, and it…
  • Psychologically it is a bit harder for me to do what needs to be done to drop weight in the winter. I'm in Minnesota, our winters are long, and the cold gray weather makes me want to eat warm, heavy foods. Doesn't mean I have to give into those cravings, it's just harder to make good choices. Also, I love walking/jogging…
  • After a fairly sedentary holiday season, today I hit 10,000 steps on my FitBit, went snorkeling for an hour straight (holy crap that was exhausting!) and then did about 30 minutes of yoga on my own. Felt good to be very active again finally!
  • I was also a little unclear about what the OP get getting at, but for me her original post reminded me that certain sweets are often depicted as a luxe, high-end sort of decadence in the media. I think of images of glamorous (and thin) French women eating macarons and pastries, or Japanese kawaii where images of cupcakes,…
  • I'm 5'4. 33 years old. I'd like to get to 120 lbs. Currently about 132.
  • Read 35 new books by 35th birthday. Bake more. Learn French. Log every day and get exercise more days than not so I can stay fit and be at my optimal weight.
  • I'm 5'4". CW: 133 GW: 115