rajushank84 Member


  • I can't control it either, for me its more late night than evening. So.. simple. I just log some food for the evening/night as soon as I wake up, and use only the remaining calories/macros during the day :). Ice cream is even more tasty when you know its already accounted for!
  • Don't most Italian restaurants have steak? At least the "American" ones do, lol! I just eat a 6-ounce filet, skip the mashed potatoes (or touch on them lightly). 400 calories, 45g protein, and yum! Medium rare with zero-calorie A1 sauce. But then if I really liked Italian food my answer may be different, lol! I'm saving my…
  • Here are a few things I like to do - Stick to neat drinks, either scotch or brandy neat or on the rocks. Or light beer. Red wine is not bad either. Get buzzed without getting fat ;). - Buy fancy scotch or cognac and take it with me. A room service or bar will charge me a lot for a pedestrian scotch, like say a Black Label…
  • No. Fat people don't have the right information, and a ton of mis-information. They are being fed too much myth and misinformation, they have tried a lot of things, and they didn't see results. So they don't trust you. Its not that they didn't try, they did try at some point and gave up because it didn't work. When I say…
  • In my case, the article doesn't hold good. I don't tend to weigh more on weekdays or weekends, because I am steadily losing weight. Yes, there are minor fluctuations, but they are random as far as I can tell. As long as it consistently goes down, who cares right?
  • Time to fess up - my squats have been crap all week and I haven't REALLY made an effort to fix them - been more like getting them over with quickly. Using left shoulder soreness from "sleeping in the wrong angle" (if you know what I mean) as an excuse.
  • I'm seeing exactly the same. I'm guessing it's more water retention than muscle gain. Who cares? Its the inches I want to lose, not "weight" :)
  • Hi from the Bay Area!