hawks2488 Member


  • Thank you. We're going from L.A. to Vegas to Phoenix and back to L.A. 1000 miles!
  • Even when I have my cheat meals, I'm still not going over 2200-2300 calories per day.
  • In N Out is the first stop off the plane. I get the rental car, pick up my friends in the Valley and it's off to In N Out LOL. We're actually driving to Vegas after I land, so it'll be the In N Out in Barstow for us :)
  • I lifted before when I lost all the weight a few years ago. But I didn't do it every day. I think I did like 2-3 days a week. I really need to watch what I eat though. The formula is simple. Eat less lose more LOL
  • Been plateauing for like 2 weeks now? I'm surprised MFP didn't recalculate my calories that's odd...
  • I have come to realize that 10 lbs in 2 weeks is not going to happen.. I'm trying to switch my workout up because I'm plateauing. I usually just do the treadmill and the elliptical and I've lost like 5 lbs since the 1st of January..so I think you're supposed to keep your same routine for 6 weeks and then switch up?
  • And I used to swim when I went to the gym. I just got new tattoo last week and now I can't swim for a few weeks--and swimming burns a lot of calories!
  • That's some good advice. I try not to obsess about the number on the scale anymore, but it's hard. I'm down to weighing myself once a week. I used to weigh myself daily. I'm plateauing again. So this morning I switched my workout up. I did several bursts of interval training on the treadmill and I lifted for the first time…
  • That makes a lot of sense what you said. I used to weigh myself daily and it made me nuts. I'm just worried because I'll be in California and Vegas in 3 weeks. In N Out Burger, Del Taco and Tommys = 4 lbs. LOL
  • I'm supposed to eat 2000 but I think that's really high. I get full really fast now. I would say I portion 90% of what I eat. I do have a food scale and I use that and I have measuring cups. I don't take cheat days. But I have 3 cheat meals a week. One on Friday after I weigh in, one Saturday and one Sunday.…
  • 90% of the time I am measuring my food. I eat a lot of cereal. Cheerios / Rice Krispies. Not ones loaded in sugar. I have my measuring cups at work. Or I will eat Progresso Light Soup which is low in calories. When I go home, I eat a bigger meal. Usually eat around 600-700 in the day time then the balance at night. I give…
  • This will sound goofy..but 10 lbs lighter is when i was able to sit in an airplane seat comfortably without a seat belt extender. So that's what I'm gunning for. I know 10 lbs in a week is unrealistic. I looked back at my weight logs from the past, I've lost as much as 8 in 2 weeks before. I think I can lose at least 5 lbs…
  • Ok let me ask this. I weigh myself on Friday mornings. Should I not work out on Thursday ? Am I retaining water because I have an intense workout on Thursday ? I admit the ten pound loss is not going to happen. If I could lose 6 in 2 weeks I'll be happy.
  • So I know more than everyone in here... really? Please show me where I said that...
  • Yes it happened in the beginning. It was water weight. I can't understand why I am not losing. I am eating 1500 calories a day working out almost every day, watching my sodium and sugars and nothing. I've been plateauing for a few weeks so I just wanted to change things up to see if it helps
  • I've lost 5 in a week before so it's possible. I'm just plateauing the last few weeks and it's aggravating me so I changed up my workout today.
  • I go in the morning. It's worth waking up at 4:30-5:00am. I have about a 40 minute commute in the morning to work and an hour after work. After work I don't want to do anything but go home, have a light dinner and plop down on the chair. Surprisingly my gym (I go to LA Fitness) is not very crowded in the morning. But at…
  • Name: Mike Height: 6'2" Starting Weight (1/1): 323.4 Goal Weight (1/31): - 12 1/1:323.4 lbs. 1/8: 320.6 lbs. 1/15: 1/22: 1/29: 1/31: Loss/gain for the week: -2.8 lbs Loss/gain for the month so far: - 2.8 lbs Struggles or successes of your week -- only worked out a few days (Fri Sat and Sunday) but managed to watch what I…
  • Today I had a banana and a bowl of Rice Krispies. 310 calories.
  • Sorry I am a day late on this...Just rejoined MFP after being away for a while. Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for friends to help motivate me. Name: Mike Height: 6'2" Starting Weight (1/1): 323.4 Goal Weight (1/31): - 12 lbs 1/1:323.4 lbs. 1/8: 1/15: 1/22: 1/29: 1/31: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the…
  • Feel free to add me as well (anyone really) I'm in the same boat where my weight has been a yo-yo for the last 3 years...
  • I'm definitely up for this. Just rejoined MFP after being away for a while. Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for friends to help motivate me. Name: Mike Height: 6'2" Starting Weight (1/1): will edit on 1/1 Goal Weight (1/31): - 12 lbs 1/1: 1/8: 1/15: 1/22: 1/29: 1/31: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month…