jellybeanpumba Member


  • I can eat an entire bag,box,jar, of about anything you give me! When I have bad days now I still force myself to log so I can see the numbers for myself, it makes me think twice about stuff I eat
  • Yes u should up to the allotted amount and then they say if you workout eat those too but I never do. I save them for cases in which I may really be hungry at the end of the day then I will have them for a nice snack.
  • You may need to just go when you can and the other days do something at home like go for a walk. I try not to let that kind of stuff stress me. I know I need to be more consistent with workouts but I just go with the flow and if I have time to get one in I do and if I don't then I figure out how to add something extra in…
  • What's that your drinking? I've been dying for some sweet tea but I don't wanna make room for the extra cals!
  • My bad its under the nutrition tab and at the top you click weekly and it will tell u at the bottom in green letters what your weekly calorie allowance is
  • If you look in your progress tab and click chart it will tell you what your weekly cal goal is. Some people use those extra cals but just watch and don't go over that weekly number.
  • One thing I have learned is you can't do this in fear of what others may think. Haters are gonna hate. You have to do what's best for Sweetcheek03! If they love you, then they will support you no matter what! I think I already love you because you seem real! Add me!
  • I have done it all! I get very crazy about the scale and want to weigh constantly! My husband hates this and has hidden it from me before. Another thing that always gets me is if i go to someone's house that has a scale I weigh on it and it says something totally different. That's a big no no! I have also done the going a…
  • Add me!! I'm at my all time right now 303! We all need all the help we can get. I'm setting small goals that will add up to bigger goals.
  • Been a preschool teacher for 12 years! Just finished my degree and tomorrow I start my new job! I'm so excited, and scared, but so ready add me!!
  • Go to your friends list and it will have a place at the top for you to put in your status
  • My why is an 8 year old hazled eye blond hair boy named Elijah. I want to still be around when my son grows up. I want to be able to not only do things with him, but to feel like doing things with him! Also my mom has high blood pressure and diabetes. I don't want to have to face that later in life. Thank you for your…
  • We are all in the same boat. I have found that setting little goals each month are much easier than setting one big goal. You might not do it as fast as you would like but after each month your one step closer to you big goal. Please feel free to add meas well. I have 100 pounds to loose but iI'm focusing on the first ten.…
  • Since you don't have too much to loose (I need to loose 100 pounds), I would say to start with a smaller goal say 5 pounds in the 1st month. I find it a lot easier to focus on a smaller number than the larger one. Then next month focus on the next five and by the end of that month you have already lost almost half. :smile:
  • I am 32 and have about 100 pounds to loose but I don't even look at it that way. I look at is in small term goals, like 5 pounds, then 10 pounds and so on. For some reason its not letting me add friends so please try and request me. Good luck gIRL! We can do this!