mianly Member


  • Thanks but what I want to know is what 100% is worth for my fitness pal
    in Vitamins Comment by mianly December 2015
  • I'm in Canada. Here the charger cost 179.95 before taxes! I'll wait. All of the other ones are in sales right now, except for the charger HR.
  • My doctor suggested I stop eating gluten just to see if it would make a difference and it did. I was going to the doctor every month, everything seemed perfectly fine on every test I did. Once I stop eating gluten, I finaly got my life back. I've learned a couple months later that I also had history of celiac in my family.…
  • I've been paleo for almost 2 years now and I'm still loving it. It's definitely not a diet but a way of living.
    in Paleo?? Comment by mianly January 2015
  • I find the books Against all grain and practical paleo are the best ones for begginners.