serenity1097 Member


  • I average 1 1/2 lbs weight loss a week and still manage to have 1-2 glasses of red wine nightly with my dinner. Usually a bit more on the weekends, I just budget it into my calories. I realize that as I get closer to my goal I will choose to cut back to once or twice a week as a treat but right now I am losing just fine…
  • 5 Tablespoons EVOO 2 Tablespoons rice vinegar 1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard (not yellow mustard) 1/2-1 Tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • I could care less about the profile picture, I pay more attention to what the person has in their profile or what they are posting. I personally use my pup because a) he's much cuter than I am and b) has waaay more personality ;-)
  • This is a ridiculously small thing but you know when you have a flabby belly and the waist band of your jeans rolls down everytime you sit down, and you have to roll it back up & pull up your pants when you stand back up? I realized a few minutes ago that I haven't had to do that once today. The same jeans that I've been…
  • I also have a desk job, I like to keep the 100 calorie packs of snacks on hand (almonds, cheese crackers) plus grapes, boiled eggs, baby carrots and/or apple slices & hummus and drink lots of water and/or green tea to keep my appetite down between meals. Try to get up & move around as much as possible, maybe you have time…
  • My daily calorie target using the first link is 811, using the 2nd I get 1047...neither of these seems particularly healthy for a middle aged woman in the 190-200 lb weight range. I think I will stick with mfp's goal of 1380 :)
  • I unfortunately fell into the Isagenix woo last summer...spent hundreds of dollars to lose 12 lbs in 2 months, gained double that back within 2 months of stopping their program. It made me feel sick as a dog the whole time I was on it, they kept telling me it was "normal" and to wait it out. Not worth the money if you ask…
  • Thank you for the responses, I will make an appointment to get tested...I literally took 2 small bites fom that Quest bar an hour ago, and although the itching has subsided I still feel miserable :s
  • I have not talked to my doctor about the itching, she knows about the lactose & has told me to just steer clear. I guess I should also stay away from whey products until I can get back in to see her.
  • I switched to a smaller plate & weigh/measure my portions so that I am able to clean my plate. As kids we were sent to bed if we didn't finish our meal so it has been a struggle for me as well.
  • Mushrooms, broccolli, cauliflower, any seedy fruit & peaches :s
  • These gin & vodka ideas are awesome, may have to try some. I've always been more of a red wine or Jim Beam & Cherry Coke Zero kinda gal ;)
  • OP, I get what you are saying...I rarely eat sweets unless it is a small piece of super dark chocolate as an afternoon treat. I have found that when I indulge in anything sweeter/richer, I actually feel sick to my stomach...not to the point of throwing up mind you, but ill feeling. I've always assumed that my body is just…
  • This has been a huge hurdle for me...I've been trying to "cut back" but I'm beginning to think that I just need to cut it out completely. I've always been an all or nothing kinda girl, and that doesn't sit well with opening a bottle of wine & only having one glass :/
  • I did all the caffeine pills (was sent to the hospital with heart attack symptoms on one of them, can't remember the name), Slimfast, Herbalife, Isagenix...went through a phase in the '90's of basically starving myself, existing on less than 500 calories a day (that didn't last long & the binges after a few days were…
  • Jim Beam & Cherry Coke Zero
  • I am also lactose intolerant, it was a really hard thing to realize back when I was diagnosed. I tried taking LactAid but it never worked for me. Now I drink soy milk, skip the yogurt, eat Cabot cheese (naturally lactose free) and enjoy super dark chocolate. It's not so bad anymore ;)
  • It's not that hard really...I don't eat fruit (exception being an occasional banana), and I still find enough food to meet my calorie goal. Hard boiled eggs are great, I boil a dozen at the beginning of the week & munch on them all week. Granola, beef jerky, crackers, veggie strips & hummus, there are plenty of options!!
  • This made me LOL :D
  • You should not quit cold turkey if you are an everyday, heavy drinker. A family member of mine was advised by her physician to wean herself off over the course of a week to avoid withdrawals. It can be quite dangerous!! Good luck OP, you can do it if you want it bad enough ;)
  • Tried it, hated not only tastes horrible, it costs an arm and a leg. I managed to lose about 12 lbs the first month but put that plus more back on as soon as I stopped. I would much rather eat real food (although the coaches insist that it IS real food, yeah right) than drink chalky tasting shakes twice a day. Not…
  • I took Phentermine a few years ago. Lost about 20 lbs then re-gained about 2x that amount when I went off it. Taking it always made me feel jumpy, like I was on speed. Made my heart race, I was always thristy and had headaches from it. I wouldn't go back on it personally :(
  • Congrats on the first step & welcome to the journey :-) Buy a food scale, weigh & log everything that you consume, and make sure you are eating at a deficit. Don't worry if it takes some time to get used to it, I'm a little over 100 days in and I still get frustrated. The thing is to keep at it & don't worry about the…
  • I was prescribed topiramate as a mood stabilizer, a side effect being that I lost tons of weight. Almost 80 pounds in less than 6 months. It also caused intense headaches & vision loss, not really worth it if you ask me. Just because it's prescribed doesn't always mean it's safe :/ And by the by, I gained all of that…
  • I fail to understand how pizza, pasta, burgers etc are "Cheating" or unhealthy if they fit into your daily or even weekly macros?
  • I don't do "cheat" days, I just eat whatever I want & fit it into my daily goals. If I go over my goals then I log it & move on. I don't consider it cheating as this is not a test, for me it's a lifestyle ;) Plus to me it seems calling certain foods a "cheat" just seems negative & would make me feel guilty about eating…
  • Wine & cheese...sigh, now I want some ;)
  • You want to starve yourself for a month? Doesn't sound safe to me, why not just eat at a deficit & lose the weight safely?
  • I have totally failed this challenge this month, is it too late to start over?? Drank too much Jim Beam over the weekend, I could really use a break :s Weight loss has completely stalled, I know that abstaining from the booze would give me the boost I need!!!