sunshine5610 Member


  • I know what you mean. Started this program eating nuts for snacks/eggs for breakfast with absolutely nothing sweet... so I use fruits as a sweet thing in between meals or after meals. Lots of apples and sunflower butter for me.
  • week 1: 160 lbs week 2: 158 week 3: 155.2 goal: 150 lbs this month; 130 overall progress: - 4.8 lbs!!
  • Hello all! I love Chicken Salad and cry a little every time I think about not being able to have mayo on Paleo, but found a great solution... Avocado! I make chix salad now with a ripe avocado as a substitute for mayo and it works great! Just throw it in with all the other ingredients and mash/mix it up until the avocado…
  • Totally cheated this weekend... Visited friends in NH and it's nothing but breweries and burgers (granted they have organic everything, but not necessarily Paleo). Snow Hiked 10+ miles and 3 peaks on Sunday though, so I thought a little cheating was justified... ended up still down 2 lbs for the week! Restarting today.
  • This looks AMAZING
  • Hit that point in the first week where I have cravings for anything and everything that has carbs or sugar in it. Put a ton of hot sauce on my eggs this morning to attempt to make up for it. Going spinning tonight - anyone else a spin fan?
  • Hello all - new to MFP. Just started a Paleo 30-day challenge and looking for motivational friends. Please add!
  • week 1: 158 lbs goal: 135 lbs progress: n/a
  • Hello all - joining late as well. My name is Kasey, from New England area. Soon to be 24. Former D1 athlete so working out is inconsistent nowadays. Trying Paleo for the first time, started Jan 3. Currently around 155-160 and 5'7", aiming to lose approx. 20 lbs in time for the summer! More so for personal confidence than…