byvanzant Member


  • I have a horrible sweet tooth but I have found eating sweet fruits helps curb the craving. Right now fresh pineapple and grapes are my go to when I am craving sweets. Good luck!
  • Thanks all for your responses. I can tell you I prefer the flavor of the oatmeal bread more and it has been filling me up so I think I am going to just stay with that unless I can't find it and then I will use the Ezekial as my second option.
  • Wow, I liked this calculator too! Easy to follow and understand! It is now one of my favorites!
  • I totally know how you are feeling! I have to force myself to just go outside and walk regardless of what the weather is today was under 20 degrees...otherwise I will eat the house! I am trying to distinguish between cravings and true hunger so I normally try the water trick and the get up and move trick and it…
  • I totally understand how you are feeling and you know I finally decided that the first thing for me was to love me for who I am and not what others want me to be. Once I finally became comfortable in the skin I was in then mentally it hit that I was ready to start changing my lifestyle and work on becoming fit for me. I…
  • You guys all bring up valid points and have told me EXACTLY what I needed to hear! Sabotage might not have been the right word to use but I do appreciate all the comments and you are all right in that I am in control of my future and I am the one that am making the choices. This is why I love MFP because there are so many…
  • Thanks everyone you all make very valid points and I appreciate all the comments. I have decided to weigh in weekly because as you all have said it will hold me accountable...good bad ugly indifferent I will do it weekly...
  • Thanks everyone appreciate the help!
  • The day before yesterday I walked over 10,000 steps and MFP didnt give me any calorie adjustments but a couple of days before it did so I dont know why it is not working now.
  • I was told to get a chair and simply start to sit and then pop back up so have your butt hit the chair then come back up again. After a time of doing this your form will learn how to do it without a chair.
  • Also I love walking and even though we have snow on the ground here in Colorado I find the sidewalks that are cleaned and just walk those even if I have to walk back and forth. If it is too cold like yesterday at below 20 degrees then I find something else to do in the house to get my heart rate up like walking up and down…
  • I found this one on this website and have started doing it and it is a workout!
  • I am so glad to see that there are other people struggling just like me. I HATE the scale and it always ends up making me sabotage myself so this year I have committed to logging EVERYTHING(good or bad), walking more, and making healthier choices. I have done small things already such as not buying sodas for the house and…