mom2ava07 Member


  • It isn't really fluctuating much, thats how I know it's a true gain. I haven't went below 134 since November. I fluctuate between 134-138 now...mostly 136. I know everyone automatically says well you must not be logging as accurately as you were, but I am...if not more obsessive with it. I literally do not take a single…
  • 5'5 and 30 years old...A few months ago I was maintaining on an average of 2000 per day with no exercising I am up 5 lbs and struggling to maintain eating 1800-1900 a day. Strange
  • I have no advice but I'm in a similar situation. I was maintaining easily for several months and suddenly I started gaining. I'm up about 5 lbs which isn't drastic, but odd considering I haven't slacked up on my logging one bit or increased my calories from what I easily maintained on before. It's odd.
  • I started exercising regularly about 6 weeks ago, so it's probably been long enough for my muscles to "get over it" and quit retaining water. My pants are fitting more snugly. Not on the waist and the button just fine, but my skinny jeans are extra tight in my calves and my knee high boots are tighter.
  • That was my line of thinking when I ordered. I've never even looked at the nutrition guide that always comes with a dvd collection by beachbody. It's just 21 day fix seems as focused on the nutritin part, if not more,than the fitness component. I feel sorta guilty by not wanting to follow it because I'm sure it's a great…
  • I'm up 5 lbs in the 2.5 months I've had it. I've posted about this. I can assure you I have not loosened up my logging nor increased my caloriesx and I even began exercising 6 days per week. If I look back at my weight chart, you can see a direct upwards climb after I had the Mirena inserted. I don't think it's fat, but I…
  • I am weighing my food and have been for over a year. I am as obsessive with logging as I was on day one and still even log gum. Nothing has changed in my diet...nothing. I'm so boring that I eat the same exact breakfast and snacks every single day. The only meal that varies is dinner and I log it, weigh it, all of that. My…
  • No, I have always weighed myself every single morning so the fluctuation is new. I am as obsessive with weighing and logging my food now as I was when I first began in January 2015. I'm more active now because I wasn't exercising at all until a month ago. When I wake up my fingers feel so swollen that it hurts to move…
  • If I knew that at worst, I may just end up a couple pounds above my max weight I set for myself I would be fine. I guess I'm just afraid of it spiraling into something major. I googled weight gain on mirena and found several people saying they gained 20 to 30 lbs in just a few months. I would like to think that to be…
  • I'm up a total of 4 lbs from the holiday season. Oddly enough, none of it came from the days I overindulged and instead I seemed to put on the weight once I went back to eating like normal. I suspect weight must not always show up immediately, but may take a couple days to show up. I truthfully didn't go overboard as much…
  • 5'5 133 lbs and wear a small top and size 4 pants
  • I set MFP to sedentary and eat back all of my fitbit calories. I've been maintaining doing that for 5-6 months.
  • I lost just under 40 lbs and it took me bout 4.5 months. I've been maintaining nearly 6 months. Not a very long time but I've had absolutely no problem keeping it off. I just have remained diligent with my logging and have not slacked up one bit.
  • I think what perplexes me the most is how much I should be eating while trying to tone up. It's the whole you can't build muscle in a calorie deficit/you can't burn fat unless at a deficit thing that perplexes me. It seems to me you simply can't burn fat and build muscle simultaneously.
  • Do dvd workouts such as that really serve any purpose then? I always read posts about how great they are, and I'm really sore after doing them, but had my doubts that anything bought at Walmart for $8 could help you that much.
  • I'm sorry but 130 is not overweight for 5'4. I'm 5'5 and 128 and although I have my fat feeling days I am far far from "overweight." That's pretty comical...and sad! Everyone is different but to suggest I'm 10 lbs overweight signals to me you have body dysmorphia issues.
  • I'm pretty sure I'm not eating more than I think except on like vacation. I still logging and weighing every single thing I eat and obsessing over it just as I did losing nearly 40 lbs this year. I don't think that's the case. I'm still losing with the exception of vacation so if anything I'm not eating enough for…
  • Yes, I've been pretty much absolutely starving not eating back any fitbit calories lol I've tried eating them back for the past couple days and I've felt a little less hungry but I also lost rhe first day doing that and then gained 2.5 lbs overnight :# Granted, I had Mexican (chicken fajita) the night before which was…
  • My exercise calories come from my fitbit charge HR. I do Jillian Michaels DVDs 4-5 days per week, but I don't log then per se, rather just rely on my fitbit. However, I'm not and haven't been eating any of those added calories (and yes I have negative adjustments enabled). My calories burned in any given day (according to…
  • How are you going about attempting to maintain? Did you lose by logging and tracking your intake and then just stop once you reached a weight you were happy with?
  • I'm 5'5, weigh 130, so bmi is 21.6 and I'm happy where I'm at. I have a more "solid" muscular frame and always have. I think if I got any smaller I wouldn't look healthy.
  • I could have written this post. It makes me also question if I have some mental problem such as body dysmorphia. I'm 5'5 and went from 167 to 127 and about 20% body fat. In my mind, I don't look that different but considering I went from a size 14 to a 2 or 4, obviously I look drastically different. At first it was just…
  • I have had problems with being regular since having my gallbladder out last year. So I also spend most of my time full of crap, but strangely enough this week I have been quite regular lol so it's not that this time anyway I started making one protein shake after working out on Wednesday and it is a whey protein. I do feel…
  • I didn't say I consume 2500 (I wish! lol) I said my fitbit says I burn around 2500 calories on my more active days, which are usually weekends for me. I have a desk job, but in the evenings I'm on my feet all night long chasing my kids around and doing housework and I exercise. On those days my fitbit says I burn around…
  • [/quote] Unless the protein shakes are putting you in a caloric surplus, they have nothing to do with this. Just keep in mind that it would’ve taken you to overeat by 2500 calories every single day for a week to gain 5lbs. It sounds like water retention to me. That being said, I would suggest you use a food scale to weigh…
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I know I'm being totally irrational, but I've never had such a huge jump in weight in a single weight, even when eating tons of junk. My husband swears it's the protein shakes, but seriously 120 calories...I doubt it.
  • It says it's set public, so not sure the problem. I don't log any step based exercises, nor my circuit training type workout DVDs (such as jillian michaels).
  • I do have negative adjustments enabled but yet never consume any of my fitbit calories. I fluctuate so much it scares me...ah so confusing to me!
  • I'm also wondering this...I just started JM Ripped in 30 and I love it, but would like to also do the 6 weeks abs (or whatever it's called) dvd she has simultaneously. My abs just need a little extra TLC!
  • I work and have two young kids, so some days I workout in the morning and some days at night. As long as you are sticking to a steady routine of exercise, the time doesn't matter. The only problem I run into is if I workout one night, and then the next day the only time I can fit it in will be first thing in the morning I…