nancyleephillips Member


  • I would never tell you to "man up" because I experience the exact same problem! It seems like the more junk food I eat, the more I crave. And I have actually found that there is scientific data to back this up!! Which made me feel tons better that maybe I wasn't a freak after all. I mean, other people can control their…
  • Congratulations!! I have lost 52 so far and have 28 more to go. We've got this!!
  • I currently have a Jawbone UP. When I got it, I was just beginning to exercise (mainly walking), and it was fine for what I needed to track at the time. Now that I am going to the gym more frequently, I have ordered a LifeTrak Brite 450-R. It should be here next week and I'm really looking forward to getting it. I want to…
  • My answer has more to do with your statement about your doctor being too busy to answer your question than it has to do with your original question. If your doctor's office is too "busy" to answer a question for a patient (no matter how minor), then you need to seriously examine whether you want to continue to go to that…
  • Do you work near a mall? When I used to work in an office, I would go to the mall during the summer months and walk inside. It's enough to get you moving, but not so much that you get too sweaty.
  • Hello, all. I found this thread by accident, but am so glad I did. I have been on my weight loss journey since January and have lost 46 pounds so far. Have 34 more pounds to get to my goal. Just For Today..... 1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water 2. Go to the Abs class at the gym that I signed up for last night 3. Stay…