U burn more calories in the cold... go to the gym:)
I lift 6 days a week and do cardio everyday
20 California
Flat bench 5X5 Incline bench 5X5 Shoulders press 3X12 pull ups 3X5 latpull down 3X10-15 Dumbell row 5X5 Skull crushers to failure curls to failure
You're skinny af... I'm 5'6" and 185 I'd start a bulk
5X5 is awesome (for any1) as for how many days that depends on you if u can only go 3 times a week do full body with rest days in between if u can do 4 do like chest, back, shoulders, legs etc
Back Squat 225 5×5 Front squats 135 5×5 Maxed my dead lift (325) Then some cavs/hams
I had the same problem... mass gainer it's kinda expensive but 3 scoops = 900 cals. Also try drinking you're calories not eating
Me2 bro
You're to skinny... I'd go to McDonald's everyday if I was u Srs... Not srs....
+2 It's like anything effort in = results out
No, I have tried apatite suppressors when cutting though also just bought some mass gainer so that should help thanks for you're help guys
I ♡ T&A...
It's chest day!!!!
I can rep 225 15 times am I series enough?
I've been working out for 8 years now and I hardly ever get sore anymore and tbh kinda miss it:P just warm up before you lift and stretch after you're done should be good... gl
none does that make me a bad person?
Try wall sits and widen your feet
1) yes 3) Its ok not like i hate it but not look forward to it 3) i walk or bike 30mins a day 3) Monday push, Tuesday pull, Wednesday legs, Thursday rest, Friday chest, Saturday lower body/ anything, Sunday rest
Los Alamos New Mexico 18°
I gotta agree
College: The U! NFL: green bay packers
when and where
nice biceps