kayeroze Member


  • As someone who eats 1270 calories (5'2, 194#, female), it's not hard to hit 1200 calories everyday. I'm guessing that your meals (if you're eating breakfast) average around 200 calories, with an occasional snack in between. Set your calorie goals higher to an average of 300-350 calories for meals with an identifiable…
  • I'm mildly lactose intolerant and find milk, ice cream, and lots of yogurt (greek yogurt not as much) makes my stomach upset. I switched to unsweetend almond milk, rarely get frozen yogurt, and don't eat cheese too often. I know you can't have it all, but I would agree with an above poster to look at vegan recipes for…
  • I'm an emotional eater as well, but I find scheduled snacks help and exercise (especially after a stressful day) help me curb the munchies. Sometimes I'll look at my net calories (if it's the end of the week) and see if I have the room to go over that day and eat the chocolate icecream and delivery Thai food that I want.…
  • I'm not arguing against that. If it's a standard drink, diet, then op can have more. But say op makes their own drink and adds more liqueur, then they should have less drinks to compensate for whatever allocation they give themselves.
  • It depends on the number of vodka oz's. There is a difference in calories between 1.5 oz and 3. At 1.5 oz you're looking at around 100 kcal for the drink and at 3 oz you're looking at 200ish. How it's made affects how many drinks you can have.
  • If you were to allocate say 300 kcal for alcohol, you could have (approximately) - 2-2.5 beers (personally prefer darker beers) - 2-3 diet vodka sodas with lime (depends on #oz) or any other similar diet soda + liqueur drink - 4 shots of hard liqueur Depending on your threshold, it won't get you drunk (except the shots),…
  • I think it would be interesting to take the data for the next 5 weeks (from a starting point) of their projections and see how far off it is from your actual weight.
  • By Thursday or Friday, I typically look at my net calories for the week and see if I can have a slightly high cal weekend (which I normally do). Definintely makes me less obsessive and gives a nice perspective of whether I need to eat more or not, or if I'm right on target.
  • I eat 1270 calories + exercise cals, and I feel more satisfied if I eat around 1400-1600 calories in the day, so I eat like I have to go workout that afternoon. I don't really pre-log like others, and instead have learned how to find low-calorie, high protein foods as my focus. High fat or high carbs make me feel hungrier,…
  • Before workout (30-60 minutes before), I eat a granola bar because of carbs. After workout is protein/bcaa shake that tides me over until I can eat dinner. If it's in the morning, I don't eat anything at all until after.
  • I up my calories by 250 (so decrease rate of loss) for the entire week, then push it back down to what is was before. Between bloating and more calories I pretty much maintain weight to +2lbs or so. BC helps with the amount and pain, and if you have terrible cramps, it's usually because of progesterone build up which is…
  • I mean you can if your 600+ pounds. At less than 150, in one month, you're most likely going to lose between 6-10 lbs max healthily.
  • What are your stats? 1200 calories is the minimum for women, but you have to pretty short at a 1.5-2lb/week loss to have that set for you. Your deficiet is your maintenance minus 250-1000 calories a day + calories burned because it needs to net around your deficiet number. The lower your set at, like 1200, the more…
  • Turkey jerky and cheese stick Peanut butter sandwich on wheat Hardboiled eggs Spreadable cheese wedge and crackers Fruit (apples and pears are high in fiber btw) Celery/carrots with dip Yogurt parfait
  • I either buy low-cal deserts, or I would recommend peanut butter. Somehow, it helps me with the sweet tooth I might have because it's usually something else that I'm missing nutritionally that makes me want chocolate and sweets. If not that, I find a protein packed snack, and get my sugar in the morning from coffee.
  • I used to have to wake struggle. I either drink Silk's Almond milk creamer. Its 15 calories per tablespoon, has hazelnut or caramel falvaoring, and tastes delicious Second option, buying hazelnut flavored coffee. Drink it plain or with a sweetener, but if you drink it out a travel mug, it's easy to trick yourself that it…
  • Something also to consider, is that you might have mini-platues of a week or two with changes in workouts from intensity, added weights, etc. I averaged a 0.2# loss over the course of 2 weeks from an increase in strength training, but I wouldn't have seen it without a trend app and fitbit averaging when you weigh.
  • I have it at 1.5 lbs a week (except for tom, then it's 1), but like @leggup said, that's a good approximation of what's ideal. If you have more to lose, you will naturally drop more weight, but as you drop more weight, the closer you get to about 60-70 lbs left (esp. If you're short) the less calories you can eat in a day.…
  • I started at a similar weight, 21, 5'2, 207.8# (CW 196#, GW 130#) with a goal of losing at 1.5lbs a week, but at my height, the restrictions drew closer and closer to 1200 calories after I dropped 11#. Even with exercise calories and a food scale, it just wasn't something I could sustain for a long period of time…
  • Like others have said, since you have such a large room for error with your hr monitor, I would try to net 1500 calories even if that means throwing in protein shakes with your meals. And if you want to work out, do strength training only since you're so active. On top of that, think of calorically sense snacks that you…
  • Ilose weight and I hit 40-50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20-30% fat, similar to what MFP recommends. As for protein intake, it's a simple matter of choices when you eat snacks or prepare meals. For me, I like hitting high protein always, so I focus my meals and snacks around that, with fat as a secondary (not a low carber at…
  • I'm 5'2 and very overweight, and the calorie goal of 1200 or 1260 for 1.5-2lbs was too little in my mind, even with exercise, but 1500 at 1lb a week with exercise seemed almost too much. I keep it higher, but my goal net is around 1300-1400 calories without having to feel guilty
  • I eat 1270 calories a day at a 1.5 lb/wk loss, and I can tell you that you will want to eat as many exercise calories that you can without overestimating. A HR monitor like a fitbit or Garmin will help with the accuracy (i have a fitbit blaze). The most cushion I would give if you're unsure at first with exercise calories…
  • I meal plan by buying ingredients for 3-4 meals that serve 4 people (single person). I cook about 3 times a week, make meals with similar ingredients to save money, and eat the same food for about 2 days versus 7. The only consistent meal is my breakfast, but that's more for convenience.
  • Bm's do not account for the fat loss. I remember reading that fat expells like 86% via carbon dioxide expulsion and the rest via water (so sweat and urination) basically. The first few weeks are water loss, then it stabilizes once you eat at a consistent rate. And like the above posters have said, high volume low cal foods…
  • For me, a day with increased sodium, fat, and carbs makes me gain and slowly decrease back so to before the food day. It usually takes me around 5ish days to go back to normal. Inflamation can cause the weight gain or maybe something changed in your diet as well. I would worry more of you started to gain more weight versus…
  • I do mine more for the routine. I have the expectation of around 400 calories, but it's more out of necessity because I like snacking and I have to make room for dinner :D also, like a poster above me said, the more I burn, the more it sucks sometimes because I have to search to fill the extra calories I didn't plan for.…
  • I work out 5-6x a week, 60 minutes, and I have found the days that I eat the majority of my exercise calories, the more weight I seem to drop overnight (then it balances back up for the next few days, then trends slowly back down to the original drop). I'm at a 1.5 lb a week loss, I just bought a scale earlier this week so…
  • So I get calf and arch pain (flat arch) and I took some of the advice I saw in this thread during my run today to see if it would help. 1. As a btw to you, if you have feet pain in your arches, they go away after the first few days 2. I ran with a straight back and shortened my stride, and saw an improvement in the…