AndiJH Member


  • I live in LA and try to get out and hike (when it's not 100degrees). Was recently in Cleveland and spent a day hiking the cuyahoga valley and hiked to Blue Hen Falls and Buttermilk Falls. So different from desert mountains!!
  • Depends what you like to drink. I prefer a glass of red wine...usually less than 150 cals and low carb, plus it's got some health benefits. Clear spirits tend to be lower cal also...stay away from fruity mixers and juices. Vodka with diet tonic maybe?
    in Alcohol Comment by AndiJH August 2017
  • For vegan protein options I love aloha protein. Also have used naked nutrition and currently using nutiva hemp protein. I make smoothies in the AM, protein pancakes and my own protein energy bars/bites with it. Energy bites would be perf for you - there are tons of recipes on Pinterest
  • Chiming in - it is totally possible to omit ADDED sugars (artificial and non). It's not easy, and takes a lot of label reading. You can look up recipes from the 21 day sugar detox. Look up low glycemic index fruits and veggies (example: 1cup of blueberries has way less sugar than 1cup banana slices). Choose dried fruit…
  • Request sent! #bossbabesonly
  • Once you're more familiar with poses and form, I suggest the app Down Dog (blue dog icon). You select type of practice (full, restorative or quick flow) and length of time, and it builds a custom sequence for you and takes you through. I love it! Use it every morning before work.
  • I love the yoga app Down Dog (blue dog icon) - great varied sequences and options. You can also pay $3.99/month for even more customized routines, but I like the free version just fine.
  • Not if you're used to that much exercise. I wouldn't start from nothing to that...spin/cycling classes tend to work your legs more than your arms, so I'd say lifting arms/upper body after a spin class would be ok. You can split it up into morning/evening to give your body more time for recovery as well (I often do yoga…
  • Because now they are required by law to give you a 30-60minute break for lunch for every 6 hours worked. OP - I find the key to staying healthy at the office is to pre-plan your meals and bring your food. It's too easy to splurge on salty/sugary snacks when you're stressed and hungry. I bring fruit, vegan protein bars,…
  • If you're into protein, I'm obsessed with Aloha protein powder and bars. No dairy, no animal products, and really really delicious. I add to smoothies, make protein pancakes, make energy balls, add to oatmeal, and drink just with almond milk. Food wise, lentils are my jam! Also protein rich greens and veggies, almonds,…
  • I make my own! I usually use Aloha vanilla powder (it's a vegan protein, and is a little thicker and earthier tasting), add a little wheat flour (could easily sub for different flour), add an egg white, and almond milk. Stir until pancake batter consistency, then cook! I especially like these in miniature form, with…
  • I adore my Siggi's Icelandic Skyr. It's a thick, Greek style yogurt without all the preservatives and fakes sugars in oikos. Great flavors, not overly sweet. Ever since I switched I find the oikos triple zero way too sweet.
  • It's only been 3 weeks - patience is a virtue. Keep it up and use this amazing community for support and motivation to continue your journey. Weight loss is a challenge, and it's more than just numbers on a scale - it's a lifestyle change that will give you lasting results if you make a habit out of it - which is why those…
  • I agree with coaktree - if you physically can't do an exercise it would be dangerous to do it! Just modify the move until you are strong enough! I started BBG about a month ago and couldn't do any push ups - now I can do 10!!! I drop down to my knees for the remainder of the set. Just keep doing weeks 1-4 until you have…
  • Body weight!!! Push ups, squats, etc. I use Kayla Itsines BBG, and some of the moves require equipment, but I've found most can be adapted with home furniture, or I just do a different move. You can usually find good home workout ideas on Instagram too :)
  • Stay away from starchy snacks and sugary fruits. Snack on veggies (fresh or cooked), protein-filled foods (which will help keep you full too) and healthy fats like nuts, avocado etc. I like to snack on homemade trail mixes (dark chocolate only!), roasted peas, hard boiled egg, and berries (which are lower on sugar than…
  • Forgot to add - the only fiber supp I've ever had success with is Heathers - it's made for IBS and sensitive stomachs :)
    in Fiber help Comment by AndiJH August 2016
  • Fiber adds bulk. Fat and water intake will help with lubrication, to be frank. I'd suggest incorporating mixed greens and spinach (easy to digest without too much bloating and high in fiber, or massage your tougher greens like kale). Also drink plenty of water!! And add some healthy fats - avocado, fish, even a small…
    in Fiber help Comment by AndiJH August 2016
  • For vegans/veggie - Aloha protein is my fave. Works well on its own, smoothies, baking, etc.
  • I used to worry about my form in yoga and spin classes, and at the gym at work, because I was afraid people were judging me, too. But then I realized the only reason to worry about form is actually because proper form will help you improve and lessen the chance of injury. You do you - it's the only way to truly be in tune…
  • Have you tried Kayla Itsines BBG program? There are free downloads all over...mostly bodyweight, circuit style training. Workouts are 28 mins! She's also got an app, sweat with Kayla. I'm starting week 1 and it's so challenging, fun and easy to fit in s busy schedule.
  • See a specialist about that knee. My mom and future MIL both thought they just had "old knees" or arthritis, turns out they both needed surgery, and both are back to walking/spinning/Zumba/hiking now
  • Aloha protein!!! Aloha is a gluten free, vegan protein, and their site has amazing recipes and ideas. I use it all the time for shakes, bites, pancakes and more. (I usually add powdered PB, agave, cocoa nibs and seeds/nuts to my bites) Message me for more info and a promo code :)
  • I bake with Aloha protein powders, and have used Market Pantry versions. The plant-based vegan Aloha version holds up much better (it's a thicker protein with all real food ingredients) in muffins, pancakes, etc in my experience. Not sure about the science tho! Would love to know...
  • Anyone looking for support feel free to add me! I'm super motivated right now and am looking for a supportive group to keep me going
  • I'm a sucker for late night snacking. I found it really helpful to physically measure out the snacks and exercise portion control. I only bring the measured portion to the couch instead of the whole container. I also make an effort to only buy healthier snack options (organic, superfood based, or snacks that require prep).…
    in Food lover Comment by AndiJH August 2016
  • I've recently found oven roasted peas to be an awesome snack - regular cooked green peas (frozen works), toss in oil (I like to use chili oil), season as desired and roast on low heat for a while. Crunchy, spicy and plenty of protein!
  • I'm starting this week! I've don't her workouts on and off for a while, mostly just incorporating her moves into my regular routines, but really going for it this time! Feel free to add me, everyone :)
  • I do one hour-long "advanced" ride a week, but I have frequently done two when I'm looking for more intensity. Do what your body can handle - if you like it, it's best to space out the classes at first, just to give your muscles a break. But go for it! I know people who do 2 in a row, and others who go 3+ times a week.…