Weight loss help.

I started going to the gym in Feb. I was on the treadmill daily. By April I could go 3 mph @ a 15 incline for 3 miles. I slipped and fell mid April and my leg hasn't been the same since. I've had x-rays of my knee and nothing was found. I can now go a max of 1.8mph @ a 3 incline for 3/4 of a mile before my knee makes me stop. If I push through the pain I won't be able to walk the next day. Only had to do that once before I learned not to do that lol. So I've been walking for a half mile on the treadmill and biking for 5 miles on the stationary bike daily. My weight loss has slowed down a lot since my accident.

Last week I decided to throw some weight training into the mix. I'm a member at planet fitness. I've been doing all of the arm machines one day and the leg machines the next day. I started by doing 3 sets of 15. I put the weights at 10, 20, and 30. This week I bumped it up by 10 so it's now 20,30,40. Is this the correct way to go about this? Is there something else I could do to help lose? I've been averaging 10-15 lbs a month and atm I'm on track for 4lbs this month. I weigh in each month between the 15th and 18th with my Dr. I started dieting because I wanted to have the weight loss surgery. I've since made it a life style change and put the idea of having the surgery out of my mind. I'm now starting to second guess that decision. If I'm not going to be able to do the intense cardio I was doing I feel like I may need to think about going that route.

Oh btw I'm 5'10. I started at 418#s and am currently 334#s. I average between 1600-2k calories daily. I weigh everything and log everything as accurately as I can. The only time it's not 100% accurate is when I'm at a buffet or if the restaurant I'm eating at doesn't have info on mfp.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Weight loss requires zero (0) exercise - only a calorie deficit. Many obese people have lost weight with only a calorie reduction.
    Even if you add exercise, it's normal for weight loss to slow down a bit. The rapid loss that people get at the beginning is largely due to water weight loss.

    By the way, x-rays don't show meniscus or ligament tears like an MRI can. If your knee isn't improving, try to see a specialist. :+1:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited August 2016
    Walking doesn't really burn that many calories in the big scheme of things although at your size it's more than at mine. While some exercise is good for you it's not necessary for weight loss.

    I'm more bewildered that at 334 pounds and eating 1600-2000 calories per day you are only going to lose 4 pounds this month. Of course, one pound per week isn't a shabby amount and 2 pounds per week is the maximum recommended rate, but your deficit should be pretty large even without exercise.

    How are you verifying your food calories? Are you using a scale to measure solid foods as much as possible? How often are you eating at a buffet where you aren't able to log? Are you making good food choices there or is it possible you're blowing your calorie deficit for the week?
  • 4thDegreeKnight
    4thDegreeKnight Posts: 69 Member
    Cherimoose is right on not needing exercise, so if you had to concentrate on weight control through calorie deficit you could and would be OK. However, I find that cardio/strength training will accelerate weight loss for me or if it doesn't, the inches will fall or BMI changes even if the scale is not.

    Here is what my trainer taught me with weight escalation when strength/resistance training.

    When just starting out in an area of your body you haven't done before:
    • Find a weight that you can do 3 Sets of 8-10 Reps.
    • Once comfortable, bump reps to 3 Sets of 15 Reps.
    • Once comfortable, bump reps to 4 Sets of 20 Reps.
    • Once comfortable, raise weight 2.5, 5, 10lbs or something like that and start at the beginning again.

    After I am used to working that area of my body, say shoulders for example, I often start with my initial goal of 3x15 Reps at the next weight (instead of 8-10).

    If I am on a "light day" (i.e. once every 4 weeks on a specific area), I bump down my normal weight and do 4 sets of 20 Reps.

    I also agreed with my trainers assessment that you hit the law of diminishing returns after an hour. You do get some benefit, but may not be worth the effort. I also agree with him that strength training or resistance training is crucial - not just cardio. So my typical routine would be 20 minutes of Cardio (Treadmill, Bike, etc) and 40 minutes of strength/resistance in an area (like Back Biceps, and Abs).

    However you will hear all sorts of advice on this, it just happened to work for me.

  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    I believe walking is essential to weight loss AND good health, especially mental health!

    Yes, calories in, versus calories out is the basis of weight loss, but moving yourself allows you to a bit more and can actually help curb mindless eating....

    Get a fitness watch. And measure your food with a scale.

    Maybe be take the incline off. You may have a meniscus tear. My husband had one and it really slowed him down until he was able to have a specialist repair it. Might be worth your while to go to one.
  • mochachichi
    mochachichi Posts: 74 Member
    Lynzdee18 wrote: »
    I believe walking is essential to weight loss AND good health, especially mental health!

    Yes, calories in, versus calories out is the basis of weight loss, but moving yourself allows you to a bit more and can actually help curb mindless eating....

    Yes, yes and double yes!! Thank you for this @Lynzdee18
  • blackaheep4288
    blackaheep4288 Posts: 41 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »
    Walking doesn't really burn that many calories in the big scheme of things although at your size it's more than at mine. While some exercise is good for you it's not necessary for weight loss.

    I'm more bewildered that at 334 pounds and eating 1600-2000 calories per day you are only going to lose 4 pounds this month. Of course, one pound per week isn't a shabby amount and 2 pounds per week is the maximum recommended rate, but your deficit should be pretty large even without exercise.

    How are you verifying your food calories? Are you using a scale to measure solid foods as much as possible? How often are you eating at a buffet where you aren't able to log? Are you making good food choices there or is it possible you're blowing your calorie deficit for the week?

    For someone of a smaller size walking may not burn that many calories. At my highest size I'd average 1k+ calories a day on the treadmill. I believe at my current weight I'd still be averaging 750+ if I could do what I've been able to do in the past. That's over 1/3 of my daily intake of calories. Even with a sore leg I average 350+.

    I weigh everything. I'd say on average I eat a buffet once a week if that. I measure everything solid on a food scale when I'm at home. I think on the days that I eat out I tend to over estimate my calories. I don't completely smash my diet when I eat out. I eat a sensible portion that I've spent the last 6 months training myself to recognize. Even when I go to the Chinese buffet I don't eat deep fried crap I usually stick with the Mongolian grill. Like I've said until this month I've averaged 10-15lbs a month.

    I don't mean for this to sound defensive and apologize if it seems that way. Maybe this is just a plateau? I wasn't expecting this to happen until I hit the 200s. I did drop another 1/2# today and still have 5 days left. Perhaps I'll hit 5# this month. Btw sorry for the late reply. I got busy at work and just had time to respond.
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    You are doing great! It sounds like a steady move down the scale.

    It's all about retraining yourself to eat to live rather than live to eat. At least that's my take on myself.

    Exercise has become a huge part of my life since I got serious about losing weight and keeping it off this time. I'm finally to where I feel good about mirrors and photos and walking away from people. The buffet doesn't call my name as it used to in the past.

    I was thinking the other day while I was updating my Fitbit, who would have though I'd walk 7 or 8 miles a day and actually enjoy it.... I jog now. That never happened in my entire life until this past winter. And I'm 60 years old.

    And yes, even walking is a part of weight loss.

    You can do this! :D
  • AndiJH
    AndiJH Posts: 84 Member
    See a specialist about that knee. My mom and future MIL both thought they just had "old knees" or arthritis, turns out they both needed surgery, and both are back to walking/spinning/Zumba/hiking now
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Have you tried a physio for your knee?