NotJustVictoria Member


  • My go to food is an omelette.. doesn't matter what meal! If I'm unsure and I'm trying not to overeat, I'll make an omelette and hide veggies in there and I can have cheese and some sort of meat without overdoing it (I use my small pan and do 2 eggs). And If I mess it up.. delicious scrambled eggs full of stuff!
  • I would say a mix between pushing hard and being a little unfit, but you should definitely go back and see how you're doing next time. If it persists, it might be worth a trip to your doctor. Let your trainer know, too, so he/she can keep a watch as well! Good luck!
  • I got the cheaper one that didn't track my sleep, mostly because I knew I'd never look at it, and I absolutely loved it. It helped me be more thoughtful of how much I was walking a day and to reach my goal I parked further from work and the grocery store. I also did a lot more cleaning around the house too, because I…
  • I've very recently started working on my relationship with cleaner foods. I used to be the Queen of processed and packaged. It was cheap, easy, and I always got immediate satisfaction. Now I've started throwing veggies into most dishes and broke up with salt, most canned goods, and various other products. I slip up…
  • Always looking for more friends! Love active people, people who make comments and send occasional messages. I do the same!
  • I'm 5'1 (and a half) and I started at 200 lbs. I'm currently at about 186 - 14 pounds down, yeah! My goal weight is 130-140 lbs.. I don't even remember ever being that small, so I can't commit to one or the other yet. :) My profile picture is my most current side by side of my tummy (problem area). It's a fun, exciting…
  • Thank you everyone for all the different responses. I think I'll stick it out a couple of months and see.. I do like that I drink that instead of coffee in the morning (I like a lot of cream and sugar in my coffee). I think it is like a placebo effect to an extent.. Glad I have a good MFP family that keeps me accountable…
  • Well, I'm definitely an overweight desperate person, ha, so that could be why I decided to try it out. I knew just doing it alone wouldn't do anything for me, but I didn't know if I did it AND everything else if it would help even more. I'm sure, though, if I cut it from my weight loss program, I would still lose weight..…
  • My newest tattoo! It's below my butt/upper thigh.
  • I'm new and only 21! I have a lot to lose and need some accountability partners and just people to chat with that know what I'm going through!
  • I would love a mentor! I'm 21 years old - always been on the chunkier side, but lately I've been getting out of control. I don't exercise much, but have the ability to. My biggest problem is my reliance on food - my love addiction, as I think of it. Haha! This time I am trying to surround myself with people who will keep…