Kelly79L Member


  • I feel the need to comment although I hate posting on these forums as I know somebody will jump on me but I understand the body issue that you are having, I too have a more muscular build than the svelte lean models and stars that I would love to look like, it's not going to happen, it's like a flat chested woman trying to…
  • You have to eat smart to keep up a 1200 diet, eat lean meat and loads of veg like broccoli and cauliflower, you can have anything you want and lose weight if you are at a deficit but you will be hungry if you eat calorie dense foods
  • Have protein for breakfast, I'm always starved if I eat cereals,
  • At 155lb and 169cm old and new bmi is exactly the same
  • Yeah but what is the point, does anybody actually read the through the nonsense? I had assumed it had been foreign text that didn't translate
  • I have the same problem, old analogue scales weigh me 3lb less than new digital scales so I'm now just focusing on lbs lost not the actual number
  • Chicken chow mein is supposed to be the best thing to order at around 600 cals a portion but obviously all restaurants are different with different portion sizes, just don't go too mad and enjoy, so what if it takes you an extra couple of days to lose the next lb, you have to enjoy life while your on your weight loss…
  • Stop beating yourself up about it, make your weekend treat fit into your goals, do some excercise on Saturdays, make better choices from the takeaway menu, most posts I see on here say 1200 is too low but if you go over on a Saturday, your average over the week will go up so as long as you don't go silly you will still be…
  • PCOS can mean that you are insulin resistant so a spike in your blood sugars causes your body to burn fat slower. It's all very complicated and it's best to google it. There are loads of good websites that can help you with a diet plan for PCOS but it's a bit like a diabetic diet.
  • Maybe I will get jumped on here but you haven't taken into account any increase in muscle mass, have you always done that amount of excersize?
  • My gym instructor got me doing step up squats on the vibration plate and I've noticed a big difference in the appearance of my legs/bum but it won't help you lose weight, just increase tone