weekend food hell!!!

Ok so I exercise all week and keep within my 1200 calories. Friday comes..I finish work and turn into a totally different person. I have vodka and Chinese then feel ill and regret it all Saturday. What is wrong with me. I'm never gonna shift this fat. ..its like a demon takes my body over! Help please *****


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Nobody is going to say anything that's going to change your behavior. Look inside yourself and find the strength and willpower you need to be successful. Your weight is completely within your control.
  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    I understand. .but my willpower is great all week everyone at work buys cakes etc and they don't even ask me as I always refuse . I think it's as though I feel I've earned it if that makes sense, like a treat for being good! Except I'm being bad !;)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    The idea that the weekend is any different than Monday through Friday is all in your head.

    Take some ownership of your own actions...and maybe find a more productive weekend activity.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Change your eating habits. Pre-log your food, eat more, and work foods you like into your calorie goals.
  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    Or, if you feel inclined to ruin your weeks progress, pick a less aggressive deficit to even it out, so you're less likely to go crazy. As another poster stated, this is a mental battle. You have to stay in control. You can make the foods you love fit, too. Just don't go crazy =P
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    I get where you're coming from...some folks call them "cheat days". I would consider altering your diet throughout the week so you don't feel you're depriving yourself. What you're doing is a habit (one I have had too, so I get it) that is going to take time to un-do. I had a boss who's ritual was two beers after work, every day. It took him a long while to break that habit. Your reward of letting yourself have whatever you darn well please (and then regretting it) *can be changed*...but again, you don't have to deny yourself everything...it's a matter of *moderation.* I find if I work small desires into my diet (and exercising appropriately) that I don't feel the f-it-all on Fridays so much. Good luck and be good to you!
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Or, if you feel inclined to ruin your weeks progress, pick a less aggressive deficit to even it out, so you're less likely to go crazy. As another poster stated, this is a mental battle. You have to stay in control. You can make the foods you love fit, too. Just don't go crazy =P

    Duh @ me...the above poster put it more succinctly. ;)
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    You have to want it bad enough to stop the cycle.
  • Kelly79L
    Kelly79L Posts: 12 Member
    Stop beating yourself up about it, make your weekend treat fit into your goals, do some excercise on Saturdays, make better choices from the takeaway menu, most posts I see on here say 1200 is too low but if you go over on a Saturday, your average over the week will go up so as long as you don't go silly you will still be in the goals to lose 1lb a week not 2lb, don't be so strict with yourself, it's not sustainable unless you want to be miserable, I'm learning to change my lifestyle too and the longer I try to make better choices, the easier it's becoming. Keep going!
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    I was a bit like this, fine all day but then spoiling it with booze and snacks in the evening. What stopped it for me was exercising. The more I got into working out and seeing progress there, the less I was interested in taking junk into my body! It's about loving yourself I guess...
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited February 2015
    1200 calories needs acute willpower, of course you will crash and burn

    What you have is a deprivation - binge cycle

    So instead, up your activity/exercise, lower your weekly weight loss goal so that you have more calories to play with ...then on a daily basis eat 80% healthy 20% treats! make sure you eat foods you love...you can choose to save a hundred or so a day for your weekend chinese which you will choose carefully from the menu based on your weekly available calories and prelog your alcohol interspersing with diet soda or water

    Change your approach ..the one you have doesn't work for you
  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    I was a bit like this, fine all day but then spoiling it with booze and snacks in the evening. What stopped it for me was exercising. The more I got into working out and seeing progress there, the less I was interested in taking junk into my body! It's about loving yourself I guess...

    So, no one who eats what you claim is "junk" love themselves?

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Ditch the good or bad mentality. Take responsibility for your choices. Nothing is taking you over. You make choices.
    Just plan ahead to have some of the stuff you like regularly and maybe you won't go overboard. You might have to choose vodka or Chinese food instead of both in one day. You might have to exercise more if your choices take you over your calorie limit.
    If it is so hard to stay with 1200 calories, maybe you should reevaluate how much you want to lose each week and accept losing your weight at a slower rate but with more comfort.
  • cerad2
    cerad2 Posts: 70 Member
    dawniemate wrote: »
    ..its like a demon takes my body over! Help please *****
    Maybe it is a demon. Contact your local Catholic Church. It's expensive but they will be delighted to perform an exorcism.
  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    I need exercise not exorcism! !:)
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    dawniemate wrote: »
    I need exercise not exorcism! !:)

  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    1200 calories needs acute willpower, of course you will crash and burn

    What you have is a deprivation - binge cycle

    So instead, up your activity/exercise, lower your weekly weight loss goal so that you have more calories to play with ...then on a daily basis eat 80% healthy 20% treats! make sure you eat foods you love...you can choose to save a hundred or so a day for your weekend chinese which you will choose carefully from the menu based on your weekly available calories and prelog your alcohol interspersing with diet soda or water

    Change your approach ..the one you have doesn't work for you


  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    dawniemate wrote: »
    I need exercise not exorcism! !:)

    If it's cardio, my feels are similar to an exorcism rofl
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Maybe it's because you're only eating 1200 calories and exercising during the week...

    I'd binge my *kitten* off too if I was doing a bunch of exercise and grossing what I should be netting all week long.
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    Maybe start weighing in Monday mornings... knowing that scale is facing me after a weekend of temptation helps. It's about attitude- like someone else said, don't treat the weekends any differently than the rest of the days. And if you want to just eat whatever you want, pick ONE day, not the entire weekend. If you splurge Friday night, resolve to go back to tracking Saturday and Sunday. You can do this!