martinmcneely1 Member


  • Both. I like to do them as supersets....
  • This happens, I can go up and down Kg's literally within days. Since I've started weight loss it's been mostly losing weight but does go up and down so I always give myself a 'range' to expect myself to be in. Keep hydrated tho.....
  • I had similar problems in my running days, just didn't want to have a break until I got runners knee. I'm now a cyclist tbh but rest days are essential but more often than not I'll have active recovery where I'll go for a long walk( usually 1-2 hours) or have a day in the gym doing muscle groups that aren't stressed on the…
  • When I do zone training I try to do it on my turbo trainer, mostly TT intervals but also a lot of base training. Just watch a dvd and stay in my zone. The road is for racing and anything in between for me know.
  • How do you know if your diary is open?
  • You cAn add me, I too find the urge to hit the sweetie jar!!!
  • If you are spot on with your calorie counting then try to change some things like training or what you are eating. It's easy to get in a rut when things are working but once it slows down we tend to think nothing works, you'll soon find what works for you
  • Good reply, exactly what I was thinking. I train mostly on habit but do get motivation in return when I see/feel (pb's) improvements. So by having targets/goals then u give yourself some motivation without thinking about it too much. I also don't buy snacks etc so if I am struggling and need a nimble then I need to go out…
  • I do most my traing through the winter in the early hours and I have done for years. It's suits my schedule better, fasted cardio? It's not what I intended but is what happens but my best performances are in the afternoon! So it may not suit everyone. My pb's have all came in afternoon races. Better results rested.
  • What injury do you have? I'm currently training with a shoulder injury. It's murder tbh, I'm using mostly machines as I can't deadlift/squat or do any upper body work really. I'm still managing to do core and leg work no problem. I have a 'heavy' leg day at the moment with two superset days. I thoroughly enjoy doing…
  • I always do 15 min on the bike before strength training and sometimes finish strength training off with 30-60 minute workout on the spin bike doing hill reps.
  • I only have one rest day a week and training both in the gym and on my bike. It's all training for race season coming round but I have done several marathons etc in my running days but just enjoy my bike now. I started using MFP in november and have lost 10 kg so far. All for power to weight ratio even tho I look gaunt,…
  • I check mine regularly for training zones and it's 43. it can be anywhere between 38-50 depending on sleep/stress levels and how quickly I check it. Usually Asap when I wake but if I've forgotten and only just woken up then I'll check it. After maybe 10 mins or so I wouldn't bother because I'm up and about by that time.
  • 180 should be achievable for you, I don't know your age or fitness level but I'm 31 and top 206 (confirmed by a vo2 Max test). I never get the palpitations you have mentioned and I do a lot of endurance event at threshold. Maybe worth getting checked.Do you know your resting heart rate? Is it consistent? Maybe this could…
  • It takes great motivation to do early morning workouts, I have a busy lifestyle and find myself in the gym at 4:30am. You've got to want to do it early, if you set out your training gear the evening before your more likely to get up. Give yourself achievable targets, even if it's as simple as 'x' amount of time in the gym…
  • +1 CA_underdog. Planks are the new age workouts for the abdominals. Also Russian twist are another good one
  • I have two GARMIN HR straps, my first one is still going strong after 3 years continuous (ran 4 marathons over 3 years. And plenty of miles in between) use but I now keep it as a spare. My second one is the 'modern strap' which I have used for 8,000 miles cycling and never had a problem but I do know other athletes how…